Sunday, November 13, 2011

Wedding Bells!

Not mine, not mine, seriously, not my own wedding.

Hehehe… Yes, within this month, I already invited by 4 friends of mine to attend their wedding. And you know what, 3 of them would be held in the exact SAME TIME! Ooooh, I wish I could be an amoeba… so I can split myself to attend all the weddings :( hfyuh…

One of them is my closest friend, who is really close to me since the first semester of our undergraduate study in UGM, as you can read and see in the several previous posts, her name always mentioned in ‘Thank you for made me smile’ posts every year. After having a relationship with the same man for almost 6 years, finally they decided to get married. Hwaa, my bestfriend is GETTING MARRIED??! Happy, but yet, envy (honestly). Hahahaha!

And because she involving me into some of her wedding preparation, so, my ‘holiday’ this week or maybe until next 2 weeks would be full about wedding stuffs. Moreover, I really like wedding stuffs. The dresses, decorations, make up, music, photos, invitations, souvenirs, people, and so on, love it all! And seeing all those wedding stuffs somehow makes me think about getting married. Eh?

ME? Getting married?

Honestly, this is the first time I can feel like this. Maybe it is because I am now growing mature, so I start think more serious about my own life and relationship. Or maybe it is because I find a match partner to think about it. Where will we lead this relationship to, and how we lead our life to the future that we draw together… Is that what people call ‘mature thinking’? I don’t know yet.

I want to get married someday, really, though for now there is a strong desire to make it true but my logical self always drive me to think more and more. Yes, I don’t want to make a wrong step, maybe not about the person (for now, please God hear my prayer, I want to marry this man someday), but many things, before and after the wedding euphoria. I don’t want it to be just an impulsive decision, but the right decision that we made after deep thinking and consideration. I have enough time to think and preparing myself during these two years of my master study.

Within this time, I can share many things to my man. 
My plan of life. 
His plan of life. 
Blend our plans into one great master plan of ours.

Really, only with this man, I can feel this way. Myself before was a bit scared of marriage, always thought that marriage will delimitate the freedom of a person to improve their self. But I feel he’s different, he is someone I can be myself in front of him, never complain or look down on me even I tell all those stupid craps about my silly BIG DREAMS. He always enjoy listen to it and make a supportive comments. Simply, he comforts me without spoiling me. Unlike with mans before him, I’m now no longer scared about marriage. I really want to marry this man. I hope it’s not about my age, but it’s because I found him and our maturity of thinking. And someday, when it comes the right timing, we’ll surely get married. Please pray the best for us :)

And for those who get married soon, I’m happy for you, I wish you happy marriage, always be together in happiness and sadness, have healthy, smart and kind kids, and all the best for you and your new family. Have a very great wedding!!!



When is mine?

*wink to my man, he has the answer ;)


  1. okay! your marriage is next month! XD

    *petugas KUA*

  2. whoahahaha... that's too soon...!! :o
    ngelangkahi koncoku malah. hehehe...

  3. Marriage...... an issue so straight delivered to my ears.....

    Huhuhu, selalu ditanya kapan, pikiran sudah ada ke sana, tapi rezeki belum ada ya ga bisa dipaksakan....

    For now, I think I have to be wiser and mature enough to prepare that moment, hoping that would be once in a lifetime....

  4. klo merit, proyeknya jgn sampe terlupakan yah :-p

  5. iya nih, setelah sahabat kita akang balckhanyou menikah, issue ini jd happening :P hehehe...

    santai saja sih sebenernya, insya Allah semuanya bakal tepat pada waktunya, dan tepat orangnya juga, Amiiin...

  6. hahaha... kalo merit aku ajakin dia gabung malahan....
    he's a bassist ;)

  7. cihuii...GSP siap di booked Dek ^_____^v
    Saya di Jogja lhoh...*ngarep diundang dot com* hahaha

  8. ngga usah kamu langkahin. lompatin aja XD

  9. Ayo2 segera menikah!! Menikah itu membuka pintu rezeki.. Menikah jg bkn mslh siap ato tidak, tp mslh berani ato enggak?? You know the answer.. :-)

  10. Ayo2 segera menikah!! Menikah itu membuka pintu rezeki.. Menikah jg bkn mslh siap ato tidak, tp mslh berani ato enggak?? You know the answer.. :-)

  11. hahaha... ga di gsp nih kayaknya, cuma di rumah aja yang penting seru
    ayolah,,, main aja ke prambanan :)

  12. wah pake jurus kodok nih
    eh kapan jadinya ke eropah???

  13. when when wheeeennn???
    I want to come to your wedding if you make it in Jogja or around, brother... :)

  14. Yeaaahhh... selamat yaaa penganten baruuu...
    I'm really sorry I couldnt attend your wedding... but for sure, I pray the best for you and regards to your wife... cie cieeee.... ;;)

  15. Gataunya tar lagi udah dapet invitation... hihihi
    Semangat kakakkkkk!!!

  16. aku ngga ke eropah tujuannya. tp pengen kalo ada kesempatan mencicipi eropah jg :D
