Monday, November 19, 2012

It’s a Wrap!

Hello friends!!! How are you all? I know that there’s no point to write in here anymore since it will close the social media feature by next month. But okay, I’ll be leaving my ‘home’ with good memories, so this post may be my last post in, and I will continue writing on Really, I hate this, say good bye to thing I love so much, writing and sharing stuffs in here with you guys. I also made posterous account, but since I really busy with many things, I had no time to learn how to use it yet, my bad, so sorry. Then, yeah, I have to move on!

Enough with the sad news, nooow... Can you guys guessing what I’m busy on lately? *smiling widely, blushing

Yup, I am now doing my master thesis and preparing my wedding *double blushing

Ahahaha…, rasanya kayak baru aja aku galau karena cinta, eh udah mau kawin aja. Hihihi… mungkin buat kalian udah bukan hal baru lagi aku mengumumkan rencana pernikahanku dengan si kangmas Kamen Rider, dan walaupun undangan belum dibikin, insya Allah it’s official. I really happy to announce this in my last post in here.

Udah sejak berbulan-bulan lalu setelah lamaran (ehem), mama mulai ribet nanyain ini-itu persiapan nikahan. Dan karena saya berada nun jauh di negeri gajah, sempat melanglang ke negeri sakura juga, maka segala hal berakhir dengan “Ya udah nunggu kamu pulang aja”, huft. Then, after months abroad, I’m coming home with many tasks awaited.

Pulang ke Indonesia, rencana mau santai-santai tidur-tiduran sebulan, malah langsung ditodong buat nyiapin ini-itu, mulai dari acara, wedding dresses (do not ever think that in Indonesian wedding we only wear one dress, but many dresses for many different rituals, oh my…), undangan, foto pre wedding, KUA, seserahan, daaaaan lain sebagainya. Rempong jaya!! Tapi aku nikmati aja sih, apa lagi kalo pas nyiapinnya bisa jadi alasan buat melancong ke kota pahlawan, sekalian mbojo (yaaayyy!). Meninggalkan tanah air selama berbulan-bulan rasanya bikin kangen jadi semakin bertumpuk-tumpuk. Pengennya begitu balik Indo yaa tarik tunai deposito kangennya. Tapi apa daya, akhirnya setiap kami ketemu ya isinya nyiapin nikahan. Sometimes I’m afraid that we will be bored of these stuffs and have no time for just enjoy being together.

Nyiapin nikahan, kadang suka bikin perang batin, maunya gini… ortu mintanya gitu. Yaah, bedanya adalah consideration kami nggak sebanyak ortu. Maunya sih yang sederhana, nggak makan banyak biaya, dan acaranya nggak ribet. Tapi jreeeeeng adatnya gini-gitu, pantesnya gini-gitu, dan berujung ya sudaaah, manut aja deh. Hihihi… It feels so funny, not only for me myself, but also for my family. I’m the first daughter, and according to Javanese tradition, the bride’s family has the responsibility to organize the wedding, and this is our first time. So, ribet-ribet yang terjadi kebanyakan disebabkan karena kita nggak pengalaman ngurusin beginian, seringnya cuma dateng kondangan doang sih. Hahaha! Kami berdua (me and Kamen Rider) pun merasa lucu, merasa kayak masih bocah tapi udah minta kawin, padahal udah banyak temen-temen kami yang menikah di usia yang lebih muda dari kami nanti. Rasanya excited banget!

About him…, I think I already wrote a lot about him. After a long journey of finding the one, I think he’s the one I can spend my life with. Although it is not easy, yeah, two people, two heads, se-perfect apa pun pasangan pasti tetep ada kesulitannya, ada bagian nggak cocok – nggak cocoknya. Dan di luar kesibukan menyiapkan tetek bengek detail pernikahan, banyak juga hal-hal yang jadi pikiran. Para ortu, sodara, temen-temen mulai memberi banyaaaaaak banget wejangan ini-itu. Oh God, I wish I had bigger memory capacity, I now feels like a 64MB flash disk that need to be upgraded to 1TB of external hard disk, hahaha, lebay ya.

Marriage is one of the biggest decision I have made in my life. Dan seperti yang pernah kubilang dulu-dulu, banyak hal yang jadi consideration buatku memutuskan menikah dengan seseorang. I, probably, is a ambitious person that want myself to be great, and marriage will probably limit the possibilities in making decisions. We both young, and there are many chances are in front of us. I’m afraid that our decisions will take us apart, or the worst case, separated. I really don’t want it ever happen in our marriage. And many people start to scares me with things like, “Doing PhD requires time that maybe take your time and attention to your family, many of them turned to divorce”. What a sad sad facts being told to me before I even start my own family and chasing dreams. Really, I want to be great but I don’t want to sacrifice my family. Am I too greedy for this?

As I always said, I want to be great together, I want to reach my dreams, and I want to support him to reach his dreams as well. Maybe there will be some limitations for both of us, but I hope our love will bond us together, forever :) Wish us luck in this journey.

And then… yeah…, setelah 4 tahun menumpahkan segala cerita disini, it’s time to say good bye to Multiply. Thanks udah menjadi tempat yang nyaman buatku menumpahkan segala cerita, menjadi saksi bisu perjalanan cintaku yang berliku (halah, ndangndut!), for the friendships I gained during these last 4 years. Really, the last thing is one of the saddest loss caused by this soc-med closure :”( I remember 4 years ago when I got hospitalized, my Multiply friends cheered me up and send me prayers through comments, you know what, I really happy that there’s somebody read my post, and I got happier when you guys respond it. I feel like I got many real friends in here, and because “friends are family you choose”, you become my family also. Since I announced about my wedding to you, you are so invited to come to my wedding. Please still be connected with me in Facebook or Twitter, and take a look on my new page in blogspot (I try to make it as similar as this page).

Now, I officially close this page, so much thanks to all my loyal readers for the appreciation and friendship. I’m very glad that I can tell you this good news for the happy ending of my love story. This is not the end yet as my life still continuing, but at least, this is the end of this blog. Now, I will step in to the new page, new story of my life, many more stories are awaited. Doakan kami (oh, now I start using the word “we” rather than “I”) dapat melalui segalanya dengan baik-baik saja dan bahagia. I will surely missing you…. See you again…. *waving hands.

It’s a wrap!


To continue our friendship (or for those who wanna knows me more),
you can contact me on:
Facebook: Atrida Hadianti
Twitter: @nekopinkonata

Sunday, October 7, 2012


“Life is struggle”

It’s just an old proverb. But I think about it more these late 3 days…

My cousin passed away yesterday, after struggling 2 days to keep alive. I’m so sad, for sure. Many things come up to my mind since then.

What is life?

Is it so precious?

Why is it so precious?

There’s billion of people exists in this world, and I just ONE of them. Only ONE in billions. And I still don’t know for what purpose I’m still alive until now.

Why I should run a life like this now..., is God wrote it in my fate?

It’s just… beyond my capacity to think.

Sometimes I feel unsatisfied with my life, I want to be more beautiful, be more intelligent, be more fashionable, be richer… and be more in anything. But actually, only being alive is more than enough to be so grateful to God. I can breathe the fresh air for free, drink the water for free (sometimes pay…), and my body still functioning well (eventhough my health is weak…), and many other thing.

Once I got sick couple years ago then survived, it makes me think that God must have reasons for keeping me alive. I’m just a human that have to figure out what is the reason. Doing this, and that, as much as I can. I ever guessed maybe I’m still alive because at that time I haven’t finished my undergrad study. Then I struggled a lot to finish it. And I made it. Gave pride to my parents :)

Then… time passed by, many wonderful things happened in me. One by one, so slowly, required more and more works, never stop. Oh, life seems so tiring, right?

But that was I learned from being alive. No time to stop struggling.

Keep optimistic, never give up. Always thankful to God that giving me such a wonderful gift called LIFE. It’s so precious, at least for myself. I will never stop struggling, until I fulfill Your purpose for keeping me alive…

PS: I pray for departed soul of my cousin, may Allah forgive all your mistakes and bless you. Have a nice journey, dear…

Friday, August 31, 2012

Japanese Otaku…?

Hahaha… this thing came up when I talked to my Japanese friends about many things I know about Japan, from the language to Jpop musicians to dorama then... to anime. Firstly, they amazed with how I spoke the language (only in very simple sentence) in correct pronunciation, then I admit that I know it all from those bunch of anime, dorama and songs. Then..., “So you’re a Japanese OTAKU”. Dhuaaaar!

I thought that otaku refers to those freaks who always watching anime and socially excluded... Really, I’m not in that level of freakiness, though, yes, I’m also freak :D I can watch 3 to 5 episodes of anime or dorama per day (note: when I don’t have any assignment to be submitted soon ;p), and I had more than 1000 Japanese song mp3s, I ever sing in a Jpop-and-rock-cover-band, and I also cosplayed. Huwooo...

When I posted the pictures I took when I visited Mibudera temple (Shinsengumi Heritage Site) in Facebook, my Japanese friends started to ask me how come I know that place?? It rarely appears in tourism reviews for Kyoto. Yeah, only those who know Shinsengumi, and interested in it will visit that place. And... I think I really freak of Shinsengumi stuffs since I read the manga Kaze Hikaru (author: Watanabe Taeko).

Maybe for some people who didn’t know nor interested in Shinsengumi stuffs, it will be boring to visit the sites. Beside Mibudera temple (former Shinsengumi homebase), there is also Yagi house nearby the temple (place where Shinsengumi first founded). And in the second place..., I have to pay for ticket to get inside the house... only listening storytelling which is, unfortunately, only in Japanese (sweats), cannot take pictures also. But, I felt so happy to get inside. See..., I’m freak!

And then, my freakiness is not stops only in Mibu.

Couple weeks after that, me and Naoya (Japanese) and Chor (Thai) visited Kyoto International Manga Museum. And this museum is really a great place to read mangas and relax. The museum collects manga from all over the world, yeeeah, I found Indonesian mangas too!! They also collect Japanese manga from 1950s (if I’m not mistaken). And the most fascinating is the “Wall of Manga” which allows you to read all of the mangas there (but sorry, mostly in Japanese) and you can read everywhere in the museum. I like to read in the outside of the building, in the front field, because I couldn’t stand with the AC temperature :D hehehe. Besides, in the field, you can freely read with the most comfortable position (you can lay down in the ground for sure). For this time, the three of us became too busy with our own world.



And lastly, the thing makes me labeled as Japanese otaku was because I saw Rurouni Kenshin movie. Firstly I just asked my Japanese friend, how to watch cinema in Kyoto and where is it. Suddenly one of my Japanese friend, Dohi, kindly offered to accompany me watching. Then the plan was spreaded among the Japanese students, “Atid san I saw you visited Mibudera, you also wanna see Rurouni Kenshin?? You know, I also like Kenshin,” then the conversation gets longer, only talking about Shinsengumi and Kenshin. Hahaha...


It’s not too bad to become freak. Eventhough I looks too much talking, but actually I’m shy and don’t know what to talk to new friends. So, sometimes my freakiness can break the wall and help me a lot in making friends. Besides, it also take me to many unusual places, for example as I mentioned above, and also new experiences that not all of my friends or even any other visitors in Kyoto did that. Above all, maybe my strong interest about Japan leads me to struggle and pray a lot to get myself there, even only a while. 

And as my friends Kojima and Nagakawa said, nowadays it’s not really bad to be otaku, as long as you still live in the real world. 

Which type are you? ;)

Miburou Hometown - Shinsengumi Historical Site

Finally visit this place! Hihihi...I visited this place alone because maybe this place will be boring, unless you have strong interest in Shinsengumi story. And as for me, beside their story in Rurouni Kenshin (Samurai X), I also follow a manga by Watanabe Taeko titled Kaze Hikaru (Flash of Wind) which the story is more about Shinsengumi, but not seriously historical.

And, after lost in the small street downtown Kyoto, finally I reached Mibudera Temple. And suddenly Shinsengumi atmosphere become strongly felt in this area. Inside the temple area, there graveyard of Shinsengumi. Although it's called "graveyard" but one thing I noticed in here was the aura of those anime lover, especially when I see the ema hanging on there :D hahaha...

From the temple, I stopped by in the house of Yagi Gennojo, a place where Shinsengumi founded. The funny thing is the front man told me that there is nothing inside the house except story telling, and also cannot take pictures, but I still insist to getting in. And yeah, inside is nothing but a house, with story of a famous samurai group called "Shinsengumi" or "Miburou" of "Mibu Wolves".

Yeeeah, anything, but I was so happy I can visit this place, even for some people it might be so boring. Hehehe... It's not really bad to be a bit freak...

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

… And Everyone’s Happy

Last night I got a message from my ex boyfriend,  a wedding invitation! Agaiiiin??? Hahaaha… Finally, he's getting married! Dan dengan ini, berarti sudah ketiga kalinya aku dilangkahi sama mantan! Hahaha… I really laughed a lot for myself. Bukannya bermaksud berlomba sama mantan, tapi kok ya kebetulan mereka duluan dari aku ya. Tapi wajar juga sih, secara umur mereka sudah lebih tua dari aku.

He, who ever messed up my love life for quite a long time... Yap! Bagi yang ingat dengan postinganku beberapa tahun lalu, ketika duniaku seperti runtuh dan membuatku sulit buat percaya lagi sama cinta. Butuh waktu lama dan proses yang panjang buatku memulihkan semangat untuk bercinta lagi (hayah bahasane :DD). Actually it was not because of him, or his fault that made me so down. But I was too tired to be in love and failed. Why should I love somebody if in the end I will get hurt?

I wrote a lot, think a lot about love and myself, really, I became self-centric at that time. And yeah, time really healed the pain. 

Tiga tahun sudah berlalu, hidup kami pun banyak berubah, in a good way pastinya. Kalau dideskripsikan, saat itu hatiku terkena bencana tsunami, semuanya hancur berantakan tersapu gelombang. Saat gelombang itu pergi, sisa-sisa pondasinya masih tertancap di tanah. Slowly I cleaned up those “disaster debris”, and prepare the land for rebuilding a new nice place for my true love to live in :) 

I’m truly happy with this good news, at least he find a very nice woman to be with, and he also grow become a good man. Me, myself… my life now is really wonderful! I don’t know how much I should thank to God to express how grateful I am being blessed with much love and this great life. Having family and friends who really care to me, a sweet loving boyfriend to be husband, and easier way to reach dreams… 

(Finally my dream to go to Japan came true.... plus, its Kyoto University!)

Aku pernah menulis di posting sebelum-sebelumnya, bukannya dia nggak punya spek bagus buat bersamaku, atau aku nggak punya spek bagus buat bersama dia, tapi memang bukan jodohnya. Ironically, he will be good, if not with me, and me too. But that’s LIFE, isn’t it?

After this…, it will be my turn! I will revenge him with my wedding invitation! Hahaha…

I really thankful to my man Kamen Rider who bravely proposed this complicated daydreamer called myself. With him, I never afraid to dream high and higher, because he’s the one who can walk and run with me to reach them all…

Then… Congratulation! … And everyone’s now happy!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Greedy Me

"Today Kiyono sensei sent us Veronique's report to study," my friend Nao said. I looked at his iphone, and amazed with how my friend did for her assignment, so orderly good, professional, but still have personal touch in it. Then I remember my own worked, what I've been done with my assignment was too far from it. Such kind of feelings appears, I got jealous. Still finding many excuses to face the fact that I couldn't make even nearly like that. 

Then I realized one thing, deep inside me, I always want to be the best.

Sometimes, I feel hopelessly like I'm really nothing. Even if I try so hard to do something, I'm still like nothing. Then after many times trying, sometimes fail, at least I can be better. Feels so happy in this stage. But at the same time, my heart demanding for more, become the most... The best.

I feel so greedy. I should be thanked that I already blessed with this all. But still can't deal with this uneasy feeling. I think I should place myself again in the phase that I'm nothing, so I have nothing to lose, and keep on struggling to be better. 

I hate the fact that I'm so greedy. That I want to have many things more and more... 

But I think being greedy for good thing is not bad, unless I do everything (in a bad way) to achive it. I ever learnt that it is good to compete for good thing, "Fastabiqul khairat".

Yeah, being greedy is not that bad, but in this time, enjoy the moment is better, not forcing myself too much. I will do my best, and hope it will also be the best.

"With this delicate body, I will always fight for the best..."


Ga nyangka salah satu temen Jepang ada yang suka Kimi no Todoke juga, cowo lho :)) hihihi....

Teman-teman... hijrahnya yang kompakan yuuuk....

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Home Made Cooking

Hello minna!!!

Hehehe... Sebenernya udah lama mau posting ini, tapi ko collecting potonya males banget. Maklum, filing buruk, foto-foto tersebar di sejumlah folder.

Yup, this post is about my cooking during this 2nd semester in here. Sejak pindah dorm (dari dorm standard ke kategori 4), jadi lebih sering masak. Perkaranya cuma satu, dapurnya lebih beradab, di dalem kamar pula, jadi nggak perlu mengganggu kemaslahatan umat dan berperang sama nyamuk-nyamuk waktu masak malem-malem :)) hehehe... Sebagian besar masakannya simple, dan bahannya mudah dicari disini (yaaa, walaupun ada sebagian bahan yang aku bawa dari Indo sih). Resepnya ada yang bumbu jadi dan ada yang racik sendiri (terutama resep-resep hasil googling). Resep paling susah adalah masakan-masakan Indonesia, yang bumbunya harus dihaluskan, alasannya: ulekan warisan hilang entah kemana dan nggak punya blender), so... mengulek adalah hal yang paling menyebalkan, can guess what I use for this thing? Mangkok dan sothil! Dan karena itu, air mata mengucur dengan derasnya. Kesimpulannya: home made cooking adalah masakan yang penuh cinta, dibuat dengan senyum dan tangisan bahagia *halah lebay!

Hahaha, anyway, here they are! Enjoy nah... Arroy mai khaa?

Gomen nee kalo postingnya malah pas bulan puasa, tapi ini kan udah jam berbuka. Selamat buka puasa teman-teman!!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Before Sleep

Yeah… lagi-lagi untuk keberapa kalinya aku nggak bisa tidur, pun untuk bikin tugas rasanya udah stuck *sigh. Hehe, kalo soal ngerjain tugas…aja malesnya minta ampun, kalo ngenet sehari semalam rajinnyaaaa…

Ah iya, sebentar lagi sudah bulan puasa aja. Rasanya cepet banget waktu berputar. Kayaknya baru kemarin aku berangkat ke sini pas awal bulan puasa tahun lalu, tau-tau banjir, tau-tau balik lagi ke sini, tau-tau dua semester udah berlalu, udah mau bulan puasa lagi.

Entah kenapa yaa, cerita hidup sebelum bulan puasa-ku setiap tahun selalu berkesan, at least buatku. Adaaaa aja keajaiban-keajaiban yang diberi sama Allah, hmm, keajaibannya nggak selalu bagus juga lho…. Ya walaupun di balik ke-enggak-bagus-an itu ada hal yang luar biasa di belakangnya. Contohnya kali ini.

Sumpah sebenernya aku galau banget, membatalkan penerbangan 11000 baht kali ini bikin aku serba salah. Gimana enggak, pertama, itu bukan jumlah yang kecil buatku, kedua, I suppose to be with my family and my man, but then… batal begitu saja… rencana berlebaran bersama keluarga…

Tapi, senangnya adalah akhirnya impianku buat menapakkan kaki di negeri sakura bisa terwujud. Ahh, mungkin 3 minggu itu nggak lama, dan dengan jadwal kuliah yang padat menggeliat, rasanya jalan-jalan harus dimaksimalkan! *semangat! Tapi… setengah waktu berada disana bakalannya pas bulan puasa, sampe lebaran pula… oho…. 2 kali lebaran aku nggak pulang, dan bakal berada di negara yang berbeda lagi. Disyukuri saja lah… :) Insya Allah lebaran-lebaran tahun depan diberi kesempatan buat berkumpul sama keluarga, dan (ehm) sudah berkeluarga, khahahaha… Amiin…

Aku ini bener-bener pemalas luar biasa, hari gini harusnya aku masih bisa konsen sama kuliah 1 sks yang kujalani di intersem ini. Tapi, ah entahlah, setan apa yang menggandoliku, rasanya kok malaaaas banget, dan nggak bisa konsentrasi ya. Jangan-jangan aku jadi takabur gara-gara IPK semester lalu udah luar biasa bagus (sepanjang sejarahku). Jangan ya Allah, sungguh itu penyakit yang nggak bagus buat hati dan buat masa depan. Apa karena factor dosennya ya? Aku bener-bener nggak bisa konsentrasi buat bikin paper dari pertanyaan-pertanyaannya yang menurutku absurd banget. Ah si bapak dosen ini emang pinter banget mungkin ya…. Padahal kemarin waktu aku konsultasi buat proposalku, banyak banget pencerahan dari beliau, tapi tugas kuliah beliau… susah pakdeeee! :(

Gara-gara jam tidurku yang kacau balau kayak gini, rasanya setiap bangun pagi bentukku nggak beda jauh sama zombie, hidup enggak, tidur juga enggak. Heu… Pengen bisa tidur dengan jam normal, biar pagi bisa segar bugar, semangat dan lebih berbentuk bidadari (wew), hehehe… 

Kata mas Kamen Rider, kalo pingin jadwal tidur teratur, coba deh jogging pagi, tapi… gimana mau jogging pagi, ngangkat ni badan dari kasur jam 8 pagi aja rasanya udah bueraaat banget. Nah, oleh karena itu, maka saya memutuskan untuk membuat jadwal harian. Niatnya sih buat diikuti, tapi kok... susah pisaaaan euuuy. Bahkan ini udah kulanggar dari hari pertama, tidaaak!!! Padahal kunci sukses adalah disiplin terhadap diri sendiri, kalo kayak gini, gimana mau sukses…. Hiks. Padahal juga, nggak pingin terlena sama kesuksesan yang diraih kemarin, kalo sampe terlena, ya siap-siap aja buat jatuh lagi… (jangan sampeeee!!)

Yup, besok harus bangun pagi, dibisa-bisain lah melek sepanjang pagi, dan harus ketemu sama Khun Suda pula buat ngurus re-entry visa. Semangat!

PS: are you people have any suggestions to make me sleep in proper time? (please avoid medicines, I already tried it and never works!)

This one is my new favorite music play, so nice :)

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Self Understanding

Bullshit! RT @tempodotco: Nachrowi : Only Local People Understands Jakarta 

Hello hello…!

Hehehe, actually I was quite amazed when I read Mr. Ridwan Kamil’s tweet above. Why? So simple, but meaningful. The point is, sometimes people can’t understand themselves, and other people might be more recognize what you have; potentials, problems, everything.

Even for our own self, somehow we cannot understand until somebody told us what’s happen in our self, for example a doctor tell you that you got this and that diseases, or a teacher tell you that you have strengths in this or that field… something like that.

In larger scale, a city, or state… maybe its own citizen cannot understand what they have. Like me, as a citizen of Yogyakarta, somehow I don’t know what is the beauty of Tugu as I everyday passing it and nothing special in it, seems so ordinary for me. But a visitor, who is outsider can recognize the beauty or special thing in it from their point of view. And as an Indonesian, I speak mostly in Indonesian language, nothing special, it may be cool and challenging to learn another language (like English, Japanese, Korean or even Thai) rather than learn Indonesian language deeper. What’s the point of learning Indonesian since I already speak in it every day? Not interesting. But for outsider, it may be very interesting to learn Indonesian language (as I ever met Vietnamese student in Balai Bahasa around one year ago, who study Indonesian language), and somehow, they know more about it more than me, Indonesian language native speaker.

Ok, enough with the example, maybe I already running out of the context, hehehe.

According to the tweet, I agree with Mr. Kamil, maybe he think that somehow the citizen themselves are not really understand with their conditions, or maybe don’t really care, as I explained, the citizens may catch it as usual things, nothing special, nothing to be improved, repaired, reserved, and so on. Jakarta, as we know, a very large city (at least in Indonesia), with the population composition is now very mixed, who you mean by local people there? People in there are originally come from many backgrounds, from many parts of Indonesia, or even from many countries. So who are the local people? People living there for many generations? They may be also doesn’t even really care about the city itself.

Sometimes, it is true that the local people understand more about the place they living in, but sometimes they’re not. Be open minded and listen to other people comments, it will improve you better, I’m sure.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Mendadak Wat Arun

Yay! Actually I wanted to go to Tha Chang pier, but the bus driver stoped near Tha Tien pier, so... unintentionally I visited Wat Arun and walked around. I just walked alone, but thank you Mr. Tripod to help taking my self pictures :D gyahaha...


Sawadee kaa…
How are you, friends? Sabai dee mai kaa?
I always wish you are all healthy and happy. So I can share so much happiness with you too :)

I don’t know why I feel so lucky lately.  Yaa walaupun dalam beberapa hal ada nggak beruntungnya juga. Life shows it balance na? (Na? Somehow my English is now turn out to be more like Thai).

Aku sendiri ngerasa bahwa ini bener-bener terlalu banyak hal baik yang terjadi padaku. First, dapat nilai perfect semester ini, itu sangat di luar dugaan. Gimana enggak, perasaan aku bukan mahasiswa yang cling-cling banget di kelas, ngerjain tugas pun ngaco, nilai mid-term exam desperado pula. Seriously, setelah lihat nilai mid semester kemarin, aku setres bukan main. Semua nilai kepalanya B. Bukannya mau sok-sokan kecewa dapet nilai B, tapi masalahnya, kalo IPK di bawah 3.5, lagi-lagi aku harus gigit jari karena path yang udah kurencanakan bakal berantakan total. Daftar dosen bakalan susah, buat ambil PhD juga pasti bakal seret beasiswa, and it really not good! So, pikiranku udah menyusun ulang rencana masa depan kalo-kalo IPK nggak nyampe 3.5, mulai dari ambil S2 lagi (yang mana ini adalah rencana paling wasting time), pasrah ditempatin ngajar dimana aja, sampe ya udah lah bikin toko benang aja :D hahaha (yang ini sih emang cita-citaku).

Dan ternyata sodara-sodara, setelah berkorban waktu tenaga dan pikiran selama satu semester penuh penderitaan lahir batin. I’m not lying, ini bener-bener di luar kebiasaanku, selama satu semester kemarin, terutama setelah mid, aku berjuang mati-matian biar at leeeeeassst dapet B+ semua, yaa… walaupun kalo ditotal sih IPK ga bakal 3.5, tapi kan IP semester bisa 3.5, not for anything but for myself. Sampe-sampe di meja belajarku aku tulisin “IPK 3.5, OSH! ^^9” hahaha…, untung aja temen-temenku nggak pernah ngeh sama artinya itu (note: hanya temen-temen Indo yang tau dan pasti langsung ngakak). Ok then, finally, I got a really good grade, even beyond my expectation, Alhamdulillah… :)

Secondly, this is really like dream comes true. I will see Japan! Whoaaaaa!!! Cannot described how happy I am when I heard this, I almost can’t believe it. Waktu ada pengumuman pendaftarannya, aku juga cuma daftar-daftar aja, yaa walaupun pengen. Tapi diantara sekian banyak anak kelasku, yang mana aku hanyalah mahasiswa biasa-biasa saja, kok aku yang dipilih itu beneran mengejutkan! Sampe dibilang, “I think this year is your lucky year,” aku cuma meringis, “You’re selected because your background in urban planning”. Dan aku melongo. What? Satu ya, selama jadi mahasiswa urban planning, bahkan kesempatan kayak gini nggak pernah ada, dua, I wasn’t an outstanding urban planning student. But anyway, sekali lagi thanks to Allah who give me this wonderful chance. Aku nggak menyangka banget hal seperti ini bakal terjadi. “So why you applied? Are you apply for fail?” tanya salah satu dosenku, noooo Sir, it’s just I thought it was tooooooo far from me.

Dan karena akan terbang ke Jepang itulah, maka... sadly, rencana liburan dan nyiapin nikahan selama bulan Juli pun batal! Padahal berangkatnya masih Agustus, tapi, “Cancel your trip to Indonesia, if you go back, you’ll be kicked, they will kill me, but before they kill me I will kill you first,” gitu kata si mbak officer jurusan. Maka terjebaklah saya selama bulan Juli ini di negeri gajah, ngerjain proposal tesis yang nggak tau kapan bakal maju defensenya.

Dengan berat hati, aku harus menahan rasa kangen ini, sama keluarga, calon suami, dan makanan-makanan. Hehehe... Really, when I missed my hometown, first thing come up to my mind are always foods!! Mulai dari bubur gudeg, gudeg permata, brongkos alun-alun kidul, nasi merah-sayur lombok ijo, lontong sayur babarsari, es krim rujak pakualaman, bubur ketan item, dan masih banyak lagi lainnya yang membuatku makin galau (halah).

“World is full of choices, all we need is being wise to choose.”

Sebenarnya, keberhasilan itu begitu dekat saat kita berusaha dengan sungguh-sungguh untuk mencapainya. Bukan nggak mungkin kesempatan yang lain pun bakal terbuka juga. Mamaku pernah bilang, “Sebenarnya kamu belajar sedikiiiit aja lebih rajin, kamu pasti bisa, tinggal kamunya aja yang niat apa enggak,” yeah it’s true, mama. Sedikit niat untuk berusaha lebih giat, ditambah kencengin berdoa, insya Allah pasti bisa meraih yang diinginkan. Soal hasil akhirnya, serahkan sama Allah, hanya Dia yang tau apa yang direncanakanNya untuk hidup kita. Apa-apa yang dikasihNya padaku, pastilah maksudnya agar aku nggak pernah lupa bersyukur, dan selalu berusaha lebih baik. 

I feel really blessed. Good grades. Japan. And one more thing, good man to be my husband in the future, who told me to never lose my dreams, never stop dreaming. OSH!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

25 Years Old Me

Waw, so sorry I was really late to “celebrate” my own birthday in this blog, but it’s not important, isn’t it? *wink

Years passed by so fast, then suddenly my life already reached 25 years. Don’t know what to say, but I feel so blessed that Allah gives me life this long, with many precious chances and experiences. If many years back it were going so sucks, gloomy, and dreams seem so far away to reach, while I keep mumbling about how unfair the conditions I got, at the same time, in fact, there are sooooo many wonderful things happened in me.

My life in age 24 was really GREAT. Can I say once more THAT WAS SO GREAT!

How great is it that could make me speechless to describe it. It was like sunshine after rain, that anything surrounded become so breath-taking. I cannot count how many, but that my life seems changed dramatically afterward….

Ok, my body is still having the same problem, I try so hard to maintain it properly, to support my activities in reaching my dreams.

Surprisingly got the chance to get closer to dream, got scholarship to pursue master degree abroad, although it is just Thailand, a nearby developing country, but here I can get many experiences that maybe those scholars in developed country doesn’t get, great floods, hahaa! And even though my grades in here are not outstanding, and future job still unsure (the place), I believe God has a purpose to take me here, to Thailand. Yaaah, at least I can go traveling around, I take a step to fulfill my dream to explore many interesting exotic places (Thailand is definitely one of it!) and experience local culture (becoming student here give a lot of chance to live as the way Thais do). It is nice, na?

And I finally met a careful loving man, Aria, who risks his life to understand and support me for the rest of my life. That was the greatest gift I got from him… that always makes me smile every time I think of it.  Still having much time before the D-day, I’m so excited to prepare for it.

Now, what will the 25 years old me want to reach for the so-called silver age of life?

Always, live longer and healthier, life is too beautiful to be spent in suffer...

Still become a daydreamer person that always have dreams to reach, to give value to myself, and make my family and loved ones proud. I am so grateful to have them who always around and support me.

Giving more love to living things on Earth and being more careful to others.

Get good acceptable grades for my final exams, which are not announced yet, kinda scared of it, honestly.

Conduct a good thesis and give advantage to people with all knowledge I got here.
Travel around Southeast Asia, from Thailand, to Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Malaysia, Singapore… That will be a great great journey :)

Not least, being a good future wife to my future husband, while waiting for the time to be real spouse. Hope we can always love, cares, and supports each other to reach happiness together, become great together!!


A never-ending gratitude and praise to Allah, who giving me such a wonderful life, great people around, and many good or bad things ever happened in my life. There’s always a way to catch your dreams, unless you don’t move to catch them. So I’ll take any efforts to make it come true. 

*hugs from here to you all

Warm regards,
25 years old Atrida Hadianti, still a pink cat ^^

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Songkran at Ko Kret


How are you all...? Hehehe... I've just spent my Songkran holiday at Ko Kret, a small island in Chao Phraya river. This is an island that is famous with the pottery handicrafts. Hmm, sounds like Kasongan village in my hometown Yogyakarta. It's not fair to compare between them, but in my opinion, it a lot better in Kasongan than in here.

But since I spent the Songkran day in here, I will tell you more about my trip here.

It was recommended by my friend, Anne, because I told her that I won't spend Songkran day in Khaosan Road or Silom. It woul be very crowded and a lot of people there, I personally doesn't like crowd. So, I took her recommendation and went there.

I looked for the way to get there by searching in internet, and to go there by mass transport in Bangkok (BKK), in order to save more transport fare. The route can be found here: www.­transitbangkok.­com

You can going around the island by rented bicycle, and you'll find yourself so wet because many people (esp KIDS) will throw you water and touch your cheek with melted powder. Hehhee....

Songkran at Ko Kret-20120413

Expenses info (in Baht):

AIT - Victory Monument (Bus No 29) : 20
Victory Monument - Pak Kret (Bus No 166) : 18
Pak Kret - Pier : 10
Pier - Ko Kret : 2
Rent bicycle (one day) : 40

Ko Kret - Pier : 2
Pier - Pak Kret : 10
Pak Kret - Victory Monument : 18
Victory Monument - AIT (by Thammasat van) : 30


Foods and drinks: 20 - 30
Small ceramics: 5
T-shirt: 150 - 200

Haven’t Met You Yet

Hello Sunshine!

First of all, I will wish you HAPPY SONGKRAN today, yup, we’re having Songkran day here in Thailand, it is a Thai new year, and as I know it is also celebrated in many countries. People, especially kids are all throwing water to people, I also got wet today, but it was so fun.

A new year, new spirit, new story :)
And this is a new phase of my life.





He? Me?

Yes. Me.

Hehehe, sebenernya agak salting juga sama hal seperti ini, geli rasanya membayangkan seorang aku, yang rasanya masih bocah ingusan dan nggak jelas seperti ini, akan menikah. Kalo soal umur sih, semuanya pasti bakal merasa wajar aja, udah segini, walaupun disini  (Thailand) temen-temen pada kaget dan bereaksi “You’re so young to get married!”, yoi mbakyu... aku sama dia emang sama-sama masih muda sih, padahal di kampung halaman temen-temen kami udah lama pada nikah dan punya anak, bahkan udah 3 anaknya! Hzz.

This is such a very big decision I ever made in my life.

Rasanya udah berkali-kali aku ngobrol dengan diriku sendiri perkara ini, kalo nggak percaya lihat aja di posting-posting sebelum-sebelumnya dari Juli 2009 :p Feels like it’s still a long long way to go for marriage, seperti itu adalah hal yang mengerikan untuk dijalani. Yup jujur memang ada sedikit rasa takut buat menjalaninya nanti.

Ini bukan soal gimana persiapan dan acara nikahannya, tapi gimana aku bakal menjalani kehidupan pernikahan dengan seorang pria yang masih dirahasiakan (halaaaah!! Semua juga tau), sepanjang hidupku, hanya dengan dia. Dan nggak hanya dengan dia seorang aja, tapi bakal ditambah tanggung jawab dengan anak-anak yang nggak cuma lucu dan menggemaskan, tapi kadang juga merepotkan.

Kalo soal persiapan seremoninya aja sih walaupun rempong, tapi masih bisa di-handle lah, atau bagi tugas sama anggota keluarga, tapi kalo soal kehidupan sesudahnya, yang mana ini jauh lebih penting daripada prosesinya, itu purely di handle sama diri sendiri dan pasangan. Kalo nggak kompak, ujung-ujungnya bubar jalan. Rugi bakar duit buat upacaranya deeeh…

Why with him?

Ada beberapa hal yang kutakuti dari pernikahan, kekerasan dalam rumah tangga dan hilangnya kebebasan mengembangkan diri. Memilih pasangan memang bukan seperti memilih kucing dalam karung yang cuma milih dengan dengerin “meong” nya aja. Harus jeli dan hati-hati. Tapi aku pun juga hanya manusia biasa, yang nggak punya kekuatan super untuk membaca pikiran orang lain, apalagi melihat masa depan. Mana tau aku apa yang dia pikirkan dan apa yang bakal terjadi di depan nanti. Hanya dengan bismillahirrahmanirrahim, semoga dia adalah pilihan yang terrrrrr baik :)

Time passed so fast, even I still too tired to follow its speed, I must flow with it. And it takes me to this stage.

Kadang aku merasa, aaah kenapa aku nggak ketemu dia dari dulu aja kalo endingnya juga bakal sama dia, kan keren tuh kalo pacaran lama, 5 tahun 10 tahun, lha ini pacaran baru setahun, udah mau nikah aja. Kenapa jugaaa jaman dulu aku galau-galau nggak karuan gara-gara kisah cintaku yang kandas berkali-kali ya. Hehehe…, Allah selalu punya cara yang unik buat mempertemukan seorang manusia dengan jodohnya (manusia juga :D). 

Beberapa hari lalu si Kamen Rider bertanya, “Kenapa mereka ninggalin kamu ya?” (merujuk ke mantan-mantan pacar) dengan herannya. Aku sendiri nggak tau jawabannya. Kalo kucoba jawab, yang ada juga bakalannya aku ngerasa kalo aku yang nggak kompeten sebagai pasangan, terlalu cuek, sibuk dengan duniaku sendiri, keras kepala, dan lain sebagainya, ujungnya kok malah menyalahkan diri sendiri. Nggak sehat ah. 

Dulu, bukannya orangnya nggak punya spek yang oke. Ganteng iya, sekolah oke iya, nyambung iya, tapi kok berantem terus… jawabannya ya karena memang nggak jodoh. Buktinya, mereka sekarang punya pasangan lagi, menikah, dan punya anak, mereka jadi suami dan ayah yang baik kok, tapi bukan denganku. I am really happy for them, and somehow jealous with how they can do the relationship that well.

But hey, now I also have the good relationship, and I’m really happy. Bertemu dengan dia di waktu yang tepat. Setelah kami berdua sama-sama menjalani proses pendewasaan masing-masing. Yaa walaupun rasanya sampai sekarang kami masih belum merasa dewasa juga sih. Hihihi... But at least, kami bertemu saat kami menjadi seperti sekarang ini. Aku merasa sedikt banyak aku pun berubah dalam pemikiran, sedikit menggeser ego, and let the love flowing with its way. With him, I just do my best. “For this time, I'm not giving him any "terms and conditions", and even expect anything from the relationship. Just shares love and care, laugh and cry together with him.” And it really going so good for me and him. Love is like flowing, and without too much expectation, it is flowing to the good ending, and I wish it would be come true.

I never knew if I will end up with him like this, akan menjalani hidup bersama sahabat sekaligus kekasih. Ketakutan-ketakutan yang pernah hinggap dalam pikiranku sedikit-sedikit terhapus dan lenyap. Menikah bukan berarti terkurung dan nggak bebas lagi mengembangkan diri dan meraih cita-cita, setinggi dan seaneh apapun keinginanku. It feels so wonderful when I met someone who wants to understand me the way I am, and I’m no hesitation to understand him as I can :) Nah, gitu kan enak to, nggak ada yang merasa terpaksa atau dipaksa dalam menjalaninya. Buatku, mencintai seseorang, memberikan perhatian dan kasih sayang dengan tetap menjadi diri sendiri itu rasanya jauh lebih menyenangkan ketimbang jadi orang lain untuk menyenangkan pasangan tapi diri sendiri nggak seneng, akhirnya malah nggak enak juga. 

I wish I can also comfort him like the way he comfort me, giving me secure in feeling and make me feel loved...

“Kita cuma perantau, dan perantau suatu saat akan kembali pulang ke rumah.
Jika dirimu memang perantau, suatu saat jadikan aku rumah sebagai tempatmu kembali :)”
- Aria Sungsang Nir Prahara

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Don’t Know Why

Selamat datang bulan April 2012! Yeah, untuk keberapa malam aku nggak bisa tidur, udara yang sumuk ceria sungguh nggak nyaman untuk ditiduri, dan yang membuatnya ebih buruk adalah kenyataan kalau seminggu kedepan weekdays-ku akan dipenuhi oleh mid term exams. Aku harus belajar sebaik mungkin untuk menghadapinya. Tapi kenapa sulit sekali ya...

Tahun lalu, nggak lama setelah meraih gelar “Sarjana Teknik” aku kembali menenggelamkan diri dalam dunia pendidikan. Seperti orang yang nggak jera, kuliah S1 aja baru bisa kuselesaikan 5 setengah tahun, ini kok mau ambil kuliah S2, di luar negeri pula.

I just so damn lucky I got this chance. Jujur aja, ilmu yang kudapat dari S1 itu hanya sedikit sekali yang mengendap di otak. If you ever know, aku pernah merasa putus asa setelah tes wawancara S2 di ITB. Kemampuan teori ku NOL. Nggak ada satu teori yang kupelajari di S1 dulu mengendap di otakku. Apa itu teori Kevin Lynch? Aku lupa total. Kredibilitasku sebagai alumni Teknik Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota UGM seperti tercoreng arang. Apa-apaan aku ini...? Keluar dari ruang wawancara, aku cari pojok sepi, telpon si Kamen Rider dan menangis sejadi-jadinya sambil melempar bola-bola tisu. Embarassing. Saat itu, aku bener-bener merasa down. Dan aku bertekad untuk pergi ke luar negeri dan membuktikan kalo aku bisa jadi mahasiswa S2 di luar negeri walaupun nggak ingat teori Kevin Lynch!

Pergi ke Thailand, sendirian dan tanpa beasiswa, bener-bener jadi beban buatku, lebih lagi orang tua. Beasiswa waktu itu juga belum pasti diterima atau nggak. Yang pasti, kalo nggak diterima, aku bakal mati-matian cari sampai dapat. And still, I’m just a lucky bastard I could get the scholarship, Dikti. Masalah berhenti di situ?


Aku belajar dengan tenang selama setengah semester pertama, sampai sebelum banjir. Nilai mid term exams so – so lah, B+ untuk semua mata kuliah. See? I’m not a typical outstanding student. Just a very ordinary student. I’m not genius, nor diligent.

Selesai semester pertama yang kacau balau di Hua Hin, aku kembali ke Indonesia dan berlibur dengan tenang. Nilai semester pertama keluar. IP semester: 3.3

Masih ada yang nggak jelas dengan kontrak beasiswaku, terutama untuk instansi dimana aku mengabdi. Yang aku tau, seharusnya aku bersedia ditempatkan dimana saja, yaa walaupun jujur dalam hati aku nggak bersedia juga ditempatkan di universitas yang jauh, terutama jauh dari suamiku kelak. Sialnya, gengsiku terlalu tinggi untuk ditempatkan di universitas yang menurutku nggak keren.

Di kontrak tertulis instansi asalku ya di universitas yang meluluskan aku. Tapi sungguh aku nggak pernah ada kontrak kerja apa-apa dengan almamaterku itu. Dan ketika kutanyakan, bisakah aku untuk mengajar disana, cukup 5 tahun itu aja nggak apa-apa deh…, jawabannya: “Sayangnya IPK S1 kamu kurang dari 3.5, kalaupun kamu mau masuk lewat jalur S2, IPK kamu lebih dari itu, misalnya 3.7 gitu, bisa kami pertimbangkan,” what? Rasanya kepalaku seperti kejatuhan beton yang sampai sekarang nggak pernah bisa kusingkirkan. 3.7 gimana dapetinnya dengan otak pas-pasan kayak gini? Ditambah lagi IPK semester 1 hanya 3.3, semester 2 dengan beban yang harus kuambil 15 credits. It will blow my head. How come?? If somebody knows how to get GPA 3.7 please tell me how…

Selama kuliah setengah semester ini… rasanya otakku lelah sekali. Hanya di kelas aku bisa belajar, itu pun dengan terkantuk-kantuk, dan kadang nggak konsentrasi. Di luar kelas, di dorm, aku sudah nggak sanggup belajar lagi. Sekalipun aku mau baca handout dan buku bertumpuk-tumpuk, tetap nggak ada yang bisa nyangkut di otakku. Belum lagi sleeping disorder yang mulai menyerang. Gampangnya sih aku tinggal minum obat flu, dan tidur. Tapi sungguh aku nggak ingin merusak tubuhku dengan obat saat aku nggak sakit.

Sedikit penyesalan datang kenapa aku nggak cari kerja aja setelah lulus ketimbang sekolah lagi yang di luar kemampuan dan pengalamanku. Dan kenapa aku daftar beasiswa yang konsekuensinya aku harus mengajar di universitas. Kenapa pula gengsiku terlalu tinggi sehingga aku terlalu pilih-pilih untuk mendaftar jadi dosen. Salahkan semua sama mimpiku yang muluk-muluk untuk menjadi professor. Jadi dosen pun sulit. Mau nerusin PhD dengan IPK S2 nggak sampai 3.5 (lagi-lagi kenapa semuanya harus 3.5?).

Dan suara-suara itu pun datang.

“Mungkin mereka berat kalau menerima kamu, bukan hanya karena IPK kamu, tapi kalau mereka terima kamu, tiba-tiba ada anak lain yang mendaftar, IPKnya lebih tinggi dari kamu, dan lulusan Jerman pula, mereka ngerasa rugi,” DAMN! I can go to Germany fo PhD!

“Mungkin cuma segitu kemampuanmu,” siapa kamu bisa ngomong gitu cuma karena nilaimu A sedangkan aku B di mata kuliah kayak gitu?!

Kalaupun semester kali ini jatuh lagi, aku nggak tau lagi apa yang bisa kulakukan untuk kehidupan akademikku. Research anggak ada nilainya, IPK cuma dinilai dari course.

I don’t know what to say anymore. I just so sad feeling so stupid and don’t know anything about what I’m studying, and people start to underestimate me. 

This feels so bad… (T_T)

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Super Junior's Super Show #4 Bangkok

Hey hey!!
Yeah, I got a chance to see this super amazing Kpop idol show in Thailand.
Yeah, most of Kpop idols held a show here.

And here's the complete story HERE (written in Indonesian)

This was my firts experience.


Thursday, March 22, 2012

Super Show!


Hay hay friends, how are you all? How’s life lately? Really I had a much messed up academic life. Very hard to concentrate only on studying, my brain easily got tired, full then blows! Hahaha...

Sudah dari dulu aku niati kalau ke Thailand aku akan menonton salah satu konser K-pop. Why? It’s just because there are many K-pop idol held their shows here, they got a lot of fan base in Thailand. Bener lho, style disini bahkan udah sangat kekorea-koreaan, both girls and boys. It is so easy to find a girl like those SNSD girls, or boy like those Super Junior guys. Dari ujung rambut sampe ujung kuku kelingking kaki. Hihihi... Nggak percaya? Just come to Thailand and and witness it yourself, but you should note, jangan sampai salah tebak itu cowo atau cewe beneran, there are a lot of ladyboys and tomboys here :D

Ok, since it was confirmed that Super Junior would come to Thailand for Super Show 4 (SS4), I save some money for watch the show. I’M NOT AN ELF (Ever Lasting Friend, Super Junior’s fan), but I really curious how could the Korean idol make a wonderful show as I watched in Youtube, and how they could get that much of loyal fans widespread! 

Dan di hari yang telah ditentukan, beberapa hari setelah aku kembali ke Thailand dari liburanku di Indonesia, salah satu temenku di kampus, mbak Silvi, langsung ngajak buat beli tiketnya. Aku sih oye oye aja, demi memuaskan rasa penasaranku. Mbak Silvi udah well prepared banget, cari info sana-sini , sedangkan diriku udah terima ngikut aja, hehehe. Pagi-pagi kami udah ke Future Park Rangsit buat ngantri tiket, dan jreng jreng… ternyata antriannya sudah panjang saudara-saudara sebangsa dan setanah air *sweat.

Repotnya, karena kami mai chai khun thai (bukan orang Thai), jadinya mau cari info apa-apa sulit, sedikit sekali orang Thai di luar kampus yang bisa diajak ngomong bahasa Inggris, even penjaga loketnya. Jadi ceritanya kami dibarisin di parkiran, dan di parkiran itu kita dikasih nomor. Oh please, jangan bayangkan antri di parkiran itu baik-baik saja, it was so damn HOT there! Bulan-bulan gini di Thailand suhu udara bisa bikin orang mandi keringat. Setelah dibagikan nomor antrian, barulah kami bisa nunggu panggilan dengan adem di depan gerai TRUE (one of the cellular provider here). 

15 menit kemudian, nomor urut 20an dipanggil, dan TIKET HABIS! What??? Sold out in 15 minutes? Nggak nyangka banget animonya bakalan kayak gitu. Dan beberapa abege udah pada tumpah airmatanya nangis-nangis, mbak Silvi mulai sibuk nelponin temennya buat pesen online tapi ternyata habis juga. Di tengah-tengah keputusasaan, aku bilang sama mbak Silvi, “Ayo ayo kita cari sampai dapat,” dan tiba-tiba ada ibu-ibu yang ngejual tiketnya buat kita, tapi cuma satu. Ya udah, I passed it to her. Tau-tau dari loket ada yang bilang sisa tiket 2, mbak Silvi langsung maju, dan tiket yang tadi dibeli dijual lagi. Hahaha... aku bengong aja, how can these people trade ticket that fast, still cannot get the idea :D Sayang sekali, 2 temanku di Indonesia yang nitip nggak bisa dapat, maafkan kami... this was really out of our control... hope we can meet each other in Indonesia :) Then, seminggu sebelum konser digelar, kami pun menukarkan voucher tiketnya, ke tiket resminya yang bentuknya mirip kartu ATM, hehehe, but it is nice actually.

And here comes the D day! March 17, 2012. Saturday.

Kami berangkat sekitar jam 2 an dari kampus, setelah mbak Silvi selesai nge-lab. Kami naik bis 510 menuju ke IT Square di dekat bandara Don Mueang (ini bandara internasional lamanya Thailand, sekarang jadi bandara untuk penerbangan domestic aja). Dari situ kita naik taksi menuju IMPACT Arena Muang Thong Thani. Aku piker, ngapain juga dateng gasik banget banget kayak gitu, orang acaranya sendiri masih jam 6 nanti. But olala~ ternyata disana ribuan ELF udah ngantri sambil bawa bantal guling selimut di depan pintu masuk. What the hell were they doing? Iya, ngantri masuknya biar dapet posisi enak pas nonton. Owalah...

Aku nggak gitu tertarik buat ngantri nggak jelas kayak gitu, mendingan jalan-jalan, puter-puter, lihat-lihat ada apa aja sih disana. Ternyata di luar acara konser itu sendiri, ada beberapa panggung dan gerai merchandise, baik yang official sponsor maupun non official. Ada panggung yang menampilkan cover dance ala Super Junior. Walaupun Cuma cover dance, cewek-cewek yang nonton pun tetep jejeritan lho, hedeh dik... ntar malah suaramu abis pas Suju-nya nongol lho...

Puas puter-puter cari light stick, kami pun mulai berasa panas dan gerah, tapi cari yang jual kipas rata-rata kipasnya nggak enak, walaupun pake foto-foto personil Suju :D Aku tiba-tiba puny aide buat cari kipas gratisan dari produk sponsor. Pertama, pura-pura tertarik sama produk minuman susu rasa pisang, setelah nyicip segelas kecil dan ngobrol-ngobrol bentar sama mbak SPG-nya dengan bahasa Inggris yang nggak lancar, akhirnya kami nekat nanya, “How we can get the fan?” dan dia langsung ngasih kipasnya, “Oh this is for you, free” YAY!!! Eh pas dipake kipasan, nggak terlalu enak juga, loyo gitu kipasnya, hahaha! Terus lihat kipasnya Fanta kok kayanya enak dan bentuknya lucu. Kami puter-puter lagi, ketemu lah gerai Fanta dan kali ini langsung nekat aja minta kipas, eh langsung dikasih, plus balon  gebuknya, seorang dapat dua pula. Fu fu fu... (dasar mental gratisan!)

It’s time to get in. Tapi tetep ya, harus antri. Salutnya, orang sini antrinya fair-fair aja, datang telat ya dapet belakang, nggak ada tuh asal serobot-serobot. Tertib. Point plus for Thai ELF! Lucunya, kami nggak cuma ngantri bareng para adik-adik abege (yang membuat kami berasa ahjumma/tante-tante), tapi juga barengan sama ibu-ibu. Wih, nggak tau juga kenapa ibu-ibu ini juga ikutan nonton konser Super Junior yang kebanyakan fans lainnya adalah gadis-gadis remaja dan embak-embak (kami). Sebelum masuk ke dalam gedung, kami harus melalui security check, tas kami dibuka dan nyebelinnya air minum mau nggak mau harus ditinggal di luar, padahal kami udah beli yang satu liter, jaga-jaga bakal kehausan dan seret. Hiks.

Sampai di dalam, masih harus nunggu sekitar sejam sebelum para personel Super Junior unjuk gigi. Penonton banyak yang nggak sabar, sampai-sampai iklan aja diteriakin dan bikin gelombang-gelombang nggak jelas. Aku sendiri sampai keluar masuk gedung gara-gara kebelet pipis dan haus. Hahaha! Bener-bener peraturan yang nyusahin sih. Tapi menurut hipotesis mbak Silvi, sepertinya sih biar nggak bocor dan bikin orang kepeleset.
Setelah sabar menunggu sambil nonton iklan, akhirnya lampu mulai dipadamkan dan terdengarlah opening song “SUPERMAN” dan sedikit-sedikit personel Super Junior mulai menampakkan wujudnya. Aku mulai excited, seperti apa sih mereka dalam wujud nyata. Wanna know? They are much more handsome and cute in real. Hahahaha!

Openingnya sudah bikin aku mangap. Dance performance, efek lampu, hydrolic-moving-stage nya keren buangettt, plus kembang api yang beberapa kali meletus, dan plus air mancur yang nggak tau gimana nggak bikin penonton kebasahan, plus lagi kostum yang dipakai Super Junior di opening itu keren sekali. Okay, perfect opening! One thing, maybe you will ask, how about their singing skill? Don’t ask, all I can hear clearly is the fans screaming loud right to my ear. Dammit!

Dan lagu-lagu berikutnya pun mengalir. Ada beberapa lagu yang aku sama sekali nggak ngerti and I just kept annoy mbak Silvi by asking “What is this song?” to her. Once again, I’m not ELF. Ada sesi dimana para personel Suju perform in solo, duo or group. Yang nyanyi solo, sudah pasti KRY, Kyuhyun, Ryeowook dan Yesung. Suara mereka emang mantap dan pantas jadi vocal leader untuk boyband kruyukan seperti Suju. Ada juga duo Eunhyuk-Donghae yang seru banget dan pastinya dancenya keren. Selain personil Suju sendiri, ada juga Henry dan Zhoumi dari Super Junior M, I like them, because they greet people in English! Bonus juga penampilan Sulli dan Amber personilnya f(x), Sulli was so cute and Amber was really cool ^^d

Show Super Junior ternyata nggak cuma parade nyanyi dan nari aja, ada sesi dimana mereka cuma bercanda ria di panggung tapi penonton tetep jejeritan. Disini sebagai orang Indonesia yang nonton di negeri gajah, kami cuma bisa bengong karena there was no translation in English at all. Super Junior spoke in Korean, and the translator spoke in Thai, we are lost in translation. Just can see what they’re doing, but not what they’re talking about.

Dari konser selama 4 jam itu, akhirnya ketemu juga jawaban atas rasa penasaranku. They’re very entertaining, and they UNDERSTAND how to entertain people, how to service fans. Oops, Siwon did so many fan services in this show, and Leeteuk kinda disappoint his fans by gave the rose to the old granny. Semua personelnya berusaha banget buat akrab dan deket dengan penonton, beberapa tulisan, bendera, boneka, sama mereka diambilin. Penontonnya nggak hanya orang-orang Thai aja, tapi juga beberapa dari negara tetangga, bahkan Eropa. Wow. Niat banget ya...

Mereka tampil total walaupun itu konser hari kedua buat mereka. Dalam hati aku bingung juga, apa mereka nggak bosan yaa tampil kayak gitu terus? Nampak seneng terus, apa mereka bener-bener sedang gembira? Kadang artis pintar menyembunyikan perasaannya di panggung. Tapi ada yang nggak bisa disembunyikan dari salah satu mereka, Yesung nampaknya nggak terlalu sehat, beberapa kali tertangkap dia batuk, padahal he’s one of the vocal leader. I really appreciate he tried so hard to hide it. 

"Sorry Sorry" nampaknya udah menjadi lagu kebangsaan mereka. Rasanya seru banget waktu lihat mereka nyanyi lagu ini. Sayangnya mereka sudah nggak ber-13 lagi, jadi rasanya panggung kurang rame, apalagi ditambah absennya Heechul dari konser ini, tambah sepi aja (pantes adikku nggak ngiri-ngiri amat waktu aku bilang mau nonton, she’s a big fan of Hee-nim!). Tapi di salah satu lagu, Heechul nongol di layar dan semua personel Suju langsung hormat sama idol paling eksentrik ini. Hm, yang bikin aku sedikit kecewa, lagu-lagu mereka yang sangat so sweet kayak No Other dan Marry You nggak dibawain, walaupun penonton udah insist, sampe nyanyiin Marry You sendiri, tapi mereka nggak bawakan. Sayang sekali... :( padahal aku suka banget dua lagu itu, dan udah kutunggu-tunggu.

But I enjoyed the show over all, even though I had to stand for 4 hours long! In the moshpitt area, there was no chaos, semuanya tertib. Satu yang nggak tertib, jejeritannya, ampun! Tapi nggak ada desak-desakan, dorong-dorongan, injek-injekan seperti yang (mungkin) terjadi di Indonesia. Dengan begitu, semua penonton kan jadi bisa menikmati dengan aman dan nyaman.

Everything such as costumes, stage, lighting, back dancers, falling papers, falling balloons, fireworks and waterfalls are set up in a very good arrangement. No wonder that Super Show of the Super Junior is one of the most waited K-pop idol show, and why the ticket is sold out only in 15 minutes. And why they extend the show into 3 days in Thailand. All my questions answered after I watch the show. That was so great! 

Actually this is the view from where I stand, hahaha!