Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Self Understanding

Bullshit! RT @tempodotco: Nachrowi : Only Local People Understands Jakarta 

Hello hello…!

Hehehe, actually I was quite amazed when I read Mr. Ridwan Kamil’s tweet above. Why? So simple, but meaningful. The point is, sometimes people can’t understand themselves, and other people might be more recognize what you have; potentials, problems, everything.

Even for our own self, somehow we cannot understand until somebody told us what’s happen in our self, for example a doctor tell you that you got this and that diseases, or a teacher tell you that you have strengths in this or that field… something like that.

In larger scale, a city, or state… maybe its own citizen cannot understand what they have. Like me, as a citizen of Yogyakarta, somehow I don’t know what is the beauty of Tugu as I everyday passing it and nothing special in it, seems so ordinary for me. But a visitor, who is outsider can recognize the beauty or special thing in it from their point of view. And as an Indonesian, I speak mostly in Indonesian language, nothing special, it may be cool and challenging to learn another language (like English, Japanese, Korean or even Thai) rather than learn Indonesian language deeper. What’s the point of learning Indonesian since I already speak in it every day? Not interesting. But for outsider, it may be very interesting to learn Indonesian language (as I ever met Vietnamese student in Balai Bahasa around one year ago, who study Indonesian language), and somehow, they know more about it more than me, Indonesian language native speaker.

Ok, enough with the example, maybe I already running out of the context, hehehe.

According to the tweet, I agree with Mr. Kamil, maybe he think that somehow the citizen themselves are not really understand with their conditions, or maybe don’t really care, as I explained, the citizens may catch it as usual things, nothing special, nothing to be improved, repaired, reserved, and so on. Jakarta, as we know, a very large city (at least in Indonesia), with the population composition is now very mixed, who you mean by local people there? People in there are originally come from many backgrounds, from many parts of Indonesia, or even from many countries. So who are the local people? People living there for many generations? They may be also doesn’t even really care about the city itself.

Sometimes, it is true that the local people understand more about the place they living in, but sometimes they’re not. Be open minded and listen to other people comments, it will improve you better, I’m sure.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Mendadak Wat Arun

Yay! Actually I wanted to go to Tha Chang pier, but the bus driver stoped near Tha Tien pier, so... unintentionally I visited Wat Arun and walked around. I just walked alone, but thank you Mr. Tripod to help taking my self pictures :D gyahaha...


Sawadee kaa…
How are you, friends? Sabai dee mai kaa?
I always wish you are all healthy and happy. So I can share so much happiness with you too :)

I don’t know why I feel so lucky lately.  Yaa walaupun dalam beberapa hal ada nggak beruntungnya juga. Life shows it balance na? (Na? Somehow my English is now turn out to be more like Thai).

Aku sendiri ngerasa bahwa ini bener-bener terlalu banyak hal baik yang terjadi padaku. First, dapat nilai perfect semester ini, itu sangat di luar dugaan. Gimana enggak, perasaan aku bukan mahasiswa yang cling-cling banget di kelas, ngerjain tugas pun ngaco, nilai mid-term exam desperado pula. Seriously, setelah lihat nilai mid semester kemarin, aku setres bukan main. Semua nilai kepalanya B. Bukannya mau sok-sokan kecewa dapet nilai B, tapi masalahnya, kalo IPK di bawah 3.5, lagi-lagi aku harus gigit jari karena path yang udah kurencanakan bakal berantakan total. Daftar dosen bakalan susah, buat ambil PhD juga pasti bakal seret beasiswa, and it really not good! So, pikiranku udah menyusun ulang rencana masa depan kalo-kalo IPK nggak nyampe 3.5, mulai dari ambil S2 lagi (yang mana ini adalah rencana paling wasting time), pasrah ditempatin ngajar dimana aja, sampe ya udah lah bikin toko benang aja :D hahaha (yang ini sih emang cita-citaku).

Dan ternyata sodara-sodara, setelah berkorban waktu tenaga dan pikiran selama satu semester penuh penderitaan lahir batin. I’m not lying, ini bener-bener di luar kebiasaanku, selama satu semester kemarin, terutama setelah mid, aku berjuang mati-matian biar at leeeeeassst dapet B+ semua, yaa… walaupun kalo ditotal sih IPK ga bakal 3.5, tapi kan IP semester bisa 3.5, not for anything but for myself. Sampe-sampe di meja belajarku aku tulisin “IPK 3.5, OSH! ^^9” hahaha…, untung aja temen-temenku nggak pernah ngeh sama artinya itu (note: hanya temen-temen Indo yang tau dan pasti langsung ngakak). Ok then, finally, I got a really good grade, even beyond my expectation, Alhamdulillah… :)

Secondly, this is really like dream comes true. I will see Japan! Whoaaaaa!!! Cannot described how happy I am when I heard this, I almost can’t believe it. Waktu ada pengumuman pendaftarannya, aku juga cuma daftar-daftar aja, yaa walaupun pengen. Tapi diantara sekian banyak anak kelasku, yang mana aku hanyalah mahasiswa biasa-biasa saja, kok aku yang dipilih itu beneran mengejutkan! Sampe dibilang, “I think this year is your lucky year,” aku cuma meringis, “You’re selected because your background in urban planning”. Dan aku melongo. What? Satu ya, selama jadi mahasiswa urban planning, bahkan kesempatan kayak gini nggak pernah ada, dua, I wasn’t an outstanding urban planning student. But anyway, sekali lagi thanks to Allah who give me this wonderful chance. Aku nggak menyangka banget hal seperti ini bakal terjadi. “So why you applied? Are you apply for fail?” tanya salah satu dosenku, noooo Sir, it’s just I thought it was tooooooo far from me.

Dan karena akan terbang ke Jepang itulah, maka... sadly, rencana liburan dan nyiapin nikahan selama bulan Juli pun batal! Padahal berangkatnya masih Agustus, tapi, “Cancel your trip to Indonesia, if you go back, you’ll be kicked, they will kill me, but before they kill me I will kill you first,” gitu kata si mbak officer jurusan. Maka terjebaklah saya selama bulan Juli ini di negeri gajah, ngerjain proposal tesis yang nggak tau kapan bakal maju defensenya.

Dengan berat hati, aku harus menahan rasa kangen ini, sama keluarga, calon suami, dan makanan-makanan. Hehehe... Really, when I missed my hometown, first thing come up to my mind are always foods!! Mulai dari bubur gudeg, gudeg permata, brongkos alun-alun kidul, nasi merah-sayur lombok ijo, lontong sayur babarsari, es krim rujak pakualaman, bubur ketan item, dan masih banyak lagi lainnya yang membuatku makin galau (halah).

“World is full of choices, all we need is being wise to choose.”

Sebenarnya, keberhasilan itu begitu dekat saat kita berusaha dengan sungguh-sungguh untuk mencapainya. Bukan nggak mungkin kesempatan yang lain pun bakal terbuka juga. Mamaku pernah bilang, “Sebenarnya kamu belajar sedikiiiit aja lebih rajin, kamu pasti bisa, tinggal kamunya aja yang niat apa enggak,” yeah it’s true, mama. Sedikit niat untuk berusaha lebih giat, ditambah kencengin berdoa, insya Allah pasti bisa meraih yang diinginkan. Soal hasil akhirnya, serahkan sama Allah, hanya Dia yang tau apa yang direncanakanNya untuk hidup kita. Apa-apa yang dikasihNya padaku, pastilah maksudnya agar aku nggak pernah lupa bersyukur, dan selalu berusaha lebih baik. 

I feel really blessed. Good grades. Japan. And one more thing, good man to be my husband in the future, who told me to never lose my dreams, never stop dreaming. OSH!