Saturday, December 31, 2011

Thank you for keep me smiling… :)


Yaaay! We meet again on 2012, friends. Hope you passed 2011 with many great memories like I had. The year 2011 is already left by last nite, I feel really glad that I could achieve many good things during the whole year. But I realize that behind those good things I achieved there are awesome people involved.

Maybe this kind of post would be an annual post I made in the New Year. But really, I just wanna shares my gratitude to them who supports me to achieve many goals in my life during the year 2011, and become an expression how thankful I am having them around…

Aria Sungsang Nir Prahara

My bestfriend become lover. It’s really wonderful having him as boyfriend and also bestfriend. Yes, finally we met each other in 2011, he fulfilled his promise to treat me in Zangrandi before my graduation. Then suddenly he stated his love to me, and now… (I actually a bit shy to say this) yes, we are now lovers. Heheheh… Masih tetap saling berbagi cerita, mimpi dan dukungan. Dan dia tetap nggak bosan-bosannya mendengarkan my stupid craps called dream that always too dreamy. And he still supports me to reach my dreams. ฉันรักคุณมากเลย (chan rak khun maak leeuy), p’Aria…
I will wait for you in 101112 ;)

Abdul Jabar
Still always he’s my bestest bestfriend I ever had. In 2011, finally we can graduate together, yay! Dan menggalau bareng soal masa depan yang masih blurred, mau ngapain habis ini? And now, we are both continuing to graduate study! It feels really good, and maybe in the same year 2013, we both become master in our own fields. Good luck Jabby!!! I always pray for you the best :) FYI, he got a very beautiful girlfriend now, I really glad about it. Isshouni ganbarimashou, my bestfriend!!

Baridah Mutmainah
She’s Jabby’s sister, and since we are so close in age, she also become my bestfriend. Setelah tahun 2010 kami berteriak-teriak menggalau bersama soal pekerjaan dia dan kuliahku, dan sometimes soal cowo. Hahaha… I really like to have a long conversation with her. Also, when I was busy travelling to Bandung for those enrollment stuffs, she helps a lot. Thank you so much sister, really I would like to go to Bandung again, let’s have fun together!!


My girl bestfriend is getting married this year!!! Yaaay!!! I’m so happy about this. Finally you marry my “twin brother” hahaha! Agak sedih dan ngiri juga, huhu, habis ini duniamu bakal berbeda sobat, but I hope everything would going fine, because you choose the right man, and he choose the best girl I know. Happy wedding my besfriend, I will surely attend your wedding… I’ll miss the time we share together in bed, hahahahah!

Herlan Darmawan & Fadlila Fitriani

Pak dosen satu ini sekarang menjadi salah satu sahabatku yang sangat seru sekali kalo udah ngobrol bareng. Dan sekarang makin seru aja karena calon istrinya juga sama serunya dengan dia. Karena aku dan si pacarnya sudah kenal dari jaman SD, jadinya malah banyakan aku dan Dila yang menggila bersama. I miss you guys, please meet when I go back to Jogja… OK?

Jayanti Dwi R
Actually she’s my childhood bestfriend Erlin’s bestfriend, but I don’t know how we become close to each other now. Hahaha… I hang out with her several times and we shares many things in mind, support each other, our interest in Korean pop, and many things. Even now I’m living in Thailand, we still contact each other. One of our favorite activity is visiting art exhibition together, so much fun and narcissisms with her :D

Dyah Lalita Widyanari
Danar Wiyoso

My closest class mates, teman-teman seperjuangan yang akhirnya lulus juga kita yaaa… *hug. But future leads us to different path, Ayiek now is working in Jakarta, Dakunk is work on project with one of our lecturer. Good luck friends, wish the best for our future!

Arisan Tante-Tante (& 2 Om) Chelzea’

My closest circle since highschool. I don’t know when was the exact time I become one of them, but I really really love being around them. Walau kadang aku yang paling pendiam dan cuek banget sama mereka yang rame (bahkan di whatapp pun ramai sekali mereka), tapi mereka care banget satu sama lain. Aaah, I love them! This is really funny and amazing that we have grown up together and still close to each other up to now, though we are now in separated way. Me and Elan going abroad, they are working and continue study in Indonesia, and Che is soon get married… :* Keep this friendship forever, friends.

Rhaptyalyani Herno Della

Here I introduce my room mate in Hua Hin. Yes, I become room mate with her since we had many similarities in running daily life and also, travelling. But emmm, her experience in travelling is much much more advace than me, she’s a real traveler! Thank you for took me on travel to Amphawa last time, it was a really nice to walk with you, and also Mas Rahardi and Pak Romi. I will miss you when you graduate…

Aulia Rahma, Siska Mellisa, Rachmawaty Rusydi

Hahaha, here is the powerpuff girls from Aceh, friends of mine. Temen-temen berbagi suka duka di tanah perantauan ini. Sayangnya, sepertinya banyakan aku yang merepotkan mereka. Mereka yang jadi saksi hidup peristiwa-peristiwa paling gilanya aku di AIT. Waktu aku sakit, mereka juga yang merawat. Jadi inget paniknya mereka waktu aku “terbang” dari sepeda, sampai Lila ngebut bawa aku ke Thammasat Hospital naik sepeda, terus Wati dan Siska nyusul dengan paniknya, nungguin aku sampai daguku selesai dijahit, dan melarangku pulang ke dorm selama 2 hari, hahaha. Dan pastinya, bakal banyak kenangan lagi selama satu setengah tahun ke depan bersama mereka. Yosssh!

Yorivan Yoilos

Taun lalu aku baru mau lulus, dia udah khawatir aja aku bakal pergi setelah lulus, bakal kehilangan temen nontonnya gara-gara pergi dari Jogja. Dan entah kenapa kok ya aku juga beneran pergi dari Jogja setelah lulus. Si juragan takoyaki ini juga masih aja kocak dan polos, tapi baik banget deh. Hahaha… Tahun 2012 ini, doaku buat dia adalah semoga dia sukses dapat pacar yang baik hati. Semangat kang! Aku mendukungmu!

Dwi Retno Bayu Pramono

Papa Haru! Yup, he’s now keeping my dearest cat son, Whizker Xu Haru. He’s a veterinarian. Haru is really lucky now having you as his father. He take a a very good care of him, sampai mengoperasi mata si Haru yang “nangis” terus (somehow kok Haru kayak aku ya, “nangis” terus). Thank you for keeping my son, Bayu… Nggak salah aku mempercayakannya padamu.

Kania Tresnawati

My closest friends in the first months in AIT, but now she’s no longer in AIT… it’s ok, it was her choice :) but I felt a bit lost without her, she become like an older sister for me. Hahaha, aku pernah sampai nginep di kamarnya gara-gara galau homesick dan kangen pacar (yaelaah). I miss you mbak Kania, I really want to visit you someday in Bogor.

DPMM Friends
(Arnob, Wai, Bo Bo, Nat, Amin, TK, Me, Pan, Hong)

Okay okay, I think we become closer after moved to Hua Hin, do those crazy bunch assignments and study together, and even waiting for the bus together! Hahahahah. Let’s finish this mess altogether, I’m sure we can do it! And until the next one and a half year, I wish you good luck!

And I will not forget my MP friends peripathian, amathonthe, arysetyani, vapourrain, maigo1503, azizrizki, blackhanyou, yodhiponica, novalentine, fhytra, isaanshori , anggarossi, roomofcreation, malambulanbiru, danangwawan, cupukupu, deimon21, aired, kazu77, arddhe (yang disebut maju ke depan ya! Hehehe) who always regularly read and leave comments to my posts, although it was not necessary and so so so trashy. I am so sorry that lately I couldn’t post as much as I did before. Or maybe my latest posts are very boring. I feel so glad you still read my posts. Even now MP is a little bit changed, it still feels like my home to share. For those MP friends I ever met in real world, when will we gather again?? Looking forward to it!


Welcome 2012
Let’s do better this year!!!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

My Life in Hua Hin: It’s a Messed Half Semester


Huwah… I can breathe now... after finished a bunch of Drought class assignment, I will take a rest for a while, then continue study for the final exam, then move to GIS assignment, then study for GIS final exam, then focus on Human Conflicts class. GOD! This half semester going really mess, everything chaotic!

Awalnya emang terasa santai-santai kayak di pantai, actually it is. Yap, karena kampus AIT tercinta terendam banjir, maka kami pun dipindah ke arah selatan Thailand, kota Hua Hin, dan letaknya memang di pinggir pantai. Dari AIT yang ijo royo-royo dan sepi nyenyet, pindah ke Hua Hin yang notabene adalah tempat wisata yang banyak resort, banyak bulenya (walaupun international, mahasiswa AIT kebanyakan orang Asia Tenggara dan Asia Selatan, bulenya ada juga sih beberapa) dan rame, lumayan happening lah tempatnya. As I said, awalnya sih emang santai-santai, bisa jalan-jalan menikmati Hua Hin dan akomodasi yang lebih oke daripada di AIT.

(in my devastated dorm A)

(AIT dorm after flooded)

Tapi tapi tapi, setelah lewat dua minggu menjalani kehidupan berumah tangga (berumah dan bertangga, hhahaha), mulai kerasa lah masalah-masalah yang membuat hidup dan suasana belajar mengajar di kota ini menjadi tidak senyaman di rumah sendiri.

Accessibility and transportation. Di Hua Hin tempat tinggal kami terpencar sampai ke Soi 90an (soi=semacam gang/jalan belokan dari jalan utama), yang itu lumayan jauh lah dari kampus yang juga terpencar jadi 3, yaitu di Rajabhat University, Stamford University, dan Silpakorn University. Yang terakhir disebut itu jauh banget, hampir sejam perjalanan. Mostly kuliahku di Stamford yang nggak terlalu jauh sih, tapi jadwal bis nya itu...ampun bikin capek. For example, kalo mau kuliah jam 10, harus naik bis jam 7.30, kalo kelewatan ya udah, tunggu bis selanjutnya, jam 11, piye coba?? Dan walaupun nggak telat, tapi nyampe kampus pagi-pagi buta gitu nunggu lama kan bikin capek. Mana koneksi internet lemotnya... siput aja kalah lambat jalannya, dan suka DC seenaknya sendiri pula. Gimana mau nyambi garap tugas selama nunggu?

(waiting for the bus in the morning)

(waiting for the class in the breeze)

(my quickie breakfast)

Hehehe, masih terkait dengan masalah transport, disini kemana-mana jauh. Kalo di AIT, seminggu terkurung di dalam kampus sih masih bisa hidup damai sejahtera. Laper, tinggal ke Kafeteria, Snack Bar, kolam bebek, kantin SOM, kantin Food Engineering, UFM atau Vietnamese restaurant. Atau kalo udah puas nyicipin semuanya, bosen-bosen bisa main ke Chiang Rak di sekitaran Thammasat University, nggak jauh (aku sendiri belum pernah sih… doing!). Kalo tau-tau shampoo apa sabun mandi habis, tinggal ke 108. Mau masak-masak, bisa beli bahan di grocery, yaa walaupun agak mahal sih ketimbang beli di Talad Thai (pasar). Butuh fotokopi hand out, tinggal ke copy center. Butuh alat tulis tinggal ke book store. Dan semuanya ada di dalam kampus, tinggal ambil sepeda dan tancaaaappp!!! (Jangan ngebut ngebut Tid, udah tau kan rasanya dijahit dagu gara2 kecelakaan sepeda? Nggak keren!)

Disini kemana-kemana jauuuh, mau beli ini itu harus naik song taew (ini sejenis angkot), nggak boleh bawa sepeda karena depan rumah langsung jalan besar, bukannya cepet sampe, yang ada malah keserempet ntar. Udah ada beberapa kasus kecelakaan juga dialami sama temen-temen. I have to be more careful.

(in song taw extended space)

Expensiveness. Ini ni yang bikin berat hidup di kota orang, apalagi kaum foreigner beasiswa kayak aku gini, uang kiriman tetep, biaya hidup naik berlipat-lipat. Sewa 1 kamar apartemen di sini harganya 3 kali harga sewa dorm standard di kampus, ya... gimana enggak, fasilitasnya pun beda, ber-AC, tipi, air anget (hahaha... actually I enjoy this luxuries so much). Cuma yang rada tercekik pas udah akhir bulan gini, gimana nih bayar apartemennya, subsidi kampus cukup nggak ya, soalnya kami di dorm standard cuma bayar 2150 baht, ini harga sewa 6000 baht, walaupun udah bagi dua sama room mate (ini room mate saya, Pi Lia), tapi tetep aja jatuhnya 3000 baht per orang, belum tambah bayar listrik dan air. Aduu du dudu pap paaap...

(swimming pool in the apartment, I never try this before the weather is really cold at nite and very sunny in daytime)

(coin washing machine)

(water refill machine)

Dan lagi, karena kawasan wisata, banyak turisnya, harga pun beda dengan di Rangsit. Walaupun Rangsit dekat sama Bangkok, tapi harga barang-barang lebih murah meriah, bahkan di pasar malam (taladnat)nya juga murah-murah, lebih murah sekitar 1/3 dari yang di Hua Hin, padahal barangnya sama...

(my new favorite, grass jelly drink, soy milk, yoghurt, tuna sandwich and pandan cake roll in here)

(me and Pi Lia enjoying christmast eve in Hua Hin Market Village)

Di luar itu yaaah, kami mau nggak mau harus tetap meneruskan segala aktifitas belajar dan diajar (kan nggak mengajar, hehehe). Edannya, dosen-dosen bukannya maklum sama keadaan serba susah kami, malah ngasih  assignment seabrek. Di waktu yang singkat gini, assignment seabrek bukanlah treatment bagus buat belajar. Otherwise, I really have no time to study, not even study from the assignment. Ya gimana mau belajar, walaupun assignmentnya tulis tangan, tapi cuma copy-paste aja dari internet, all we need is speed, mana ada yang masuk ke otak ;D Honestly, I’m a  bit afraid of my grade for this half semester, eventhough I got a pretty good marks in the mid exams, but I’m not sure for this time I will also get higher. Lha kuliah aja yang dipikirin “Duuuh, assignment ini belum kelar,” atau kalo nggak malah tertidur di kelas gara-gara ngerjain assignment. Unlike in AIT, I can sleep in the very late night or even in very early morning, disini aku sampe apartemen udah keburu capek, ngerjain tugas sampai jam 10, habis itu tewas sampai pagi. Itu pun masih ngantuknya ampuuun!

Dan disini juga... internet nggak se wuzz wuzz wuuzzz di AIT, hahaha. Sial, kalo disana aku bisa kapan aja Skype sama keluarga, dan kalo weekend pacaran sama si Kamen Rider di dunia maya, sekarang mana bisa... yang ada baru gerak dikit pasti internet DC dengan suksesnya. Hiks hiks. Gara-gara kehilangan laptop plus 3 ekor EXT HD, aku jadi nggak punya back up data apa-apa, harus cari-cari lagi dari awal, dan dengan internet yang se marmos ini, googling aja nggak kuat, gimana mau ngerjain tugas dengan tenang dan lancar?

(my messy desk, now it becomes messier, 5555)

Bener juga sih, home sweet home, sejelek-jeleknya kampus AIT, fasilitasnya udah oke dan kondusif buat belajar. Di Hua Hin walaupun seru tapi ternyata nggak asik buat belajar, enakan buat wisata (dan so pasti kalo wisata belajarnya lupa, hahaha…). Rumput tetangga selalu tampak lebih hijau, tapi ternyata rumput plastik, nggak enak (lepeh lepeh).

Hmmm, did I complaining too much? Hehehe, mau bagaimana pun juga, mau susah apa mudah, this way was my choice, I have finish this mess all, though it’s tough and uneasy. I’m sure there would be a very bright future waiting for me. For dream, for the future, for life!!! Yeeeaaah!!! :D

Yeeeahh… this week end (also year-end) I will start having the final exam.

PS: I will spend my holiday in Indonesia, ada yang mau nitip oleh-oleh? Hahaha… (gayamuuu Tiiid *ditimpuk bata rame-rame)

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Enjoying Hua Hin

‎"Never mind Never mind When I feel depressed and down, yeah yeah I want to come here, and be blown by the wind I want to see your little smile I, too, can become stronger The smell of the fresh Spring The petals of the blossoming sakura I will never lose to it Yes, laugh. Keep laughing away"

Laugh Away by YUI

Hello friends!!!

I recently live in Hua Hin since my campus (AIT) temporarily moving here due to flood inundated the campus in Rangsit.

And yeah, lucky for us who loves traveling, this place is actually a tourism area, so there are many interesting points here. Yuppy!

This is one of the interesting place, Pi Lia (my room mate, has just found this nice place. So we planned to spend this Saturday in here, Hua Hin Pier :)

Friday, December 16, 2011


I never thought that losing things in this way could make me feel this lost

Sawadee kaa... 

How are you all, pals? I am really sorry for did not write anything within this 2 months. Actually, I went back to Indonesia because of Thai flood, and sadly, my campus also inundated. 

In term of evacuating the students, AIT gave us ‘holiday’ for one and a half month to spend in home country. So, I went back to Indonesia to have the ‘holiday’. I don’t know it is good or not, but I was totally doing nothing during the break time, neither studying nor doing any projects. I just travelling to Surabaya many times, visiting my boyfriend and enjoy time together. Hehehe... It was really good to have school break like that. I can have quality time with my family, friends, and my loved man.

And suddenly it turned to sadness. In the last week of the ‘holiday’, a thief entered my house and stole all my things. My computer, my camera, my phones, and also external hard disk. Nothing left. Even any back up data. I felt so sad, and until now I can cry whenever I remember that. I don’t care about the financial countable loss of those things, but somehow the value of the thing is not always can be counted by money. The values of those things are priceless… that makes me so sad.

Even I calculated my saving to buy those things again, and I know that someday I can buy the better, it still cannot heal my pain of losing them, and also the fact that there were somebody unexpected ever enter my room :(

I just want to cry of remember them

I just want them back to me

Not because of the thing itself

But the memories when I get them the first time

I miss you all, so bad

Hope you still fine…