Sunday, October 7, 2012


“Life is struggle”

It’s just an old proverb. But I think about it more these late 3 days…

My cousin passed away yesterday, after struggling 2 days to keep alive. I’m so sad, for sure. Many things come up to my mind since then.

What is life?

Is it so precious?

Why is it so precious?

There’s billion of people exists in this world, and I just ONE of them. Only ONE in billions. And I still don’t know for what purpose I’m still alive until now.

Why I should run a life like this now..., is God wrote it in my fate?

It’s just… beyond my capacity to think.

Sometimes I feel unsatisfied with my life, I want to be more beautiful, be more intelligent, be more fashionable, be richer… and be more in anything. But actually, only being alive is more than enough to be so grateful to God. I can breathe the fresh air for free, drink the water for free (sometimes pay…), and my body still functioning well (eventhough my health is weak…), and many other thing.

Once I got sick couple years ago then survived, it makes me think that God must have reasons for keeping me alive. I’m just a human that have to figure out what is the reason. Doing this, and that, as much as I can. I ever guessed maybe I’m still alive because at that time I haven’t finished my undergrad study. Then I struggled a lot to finish it. And I made it. Gave pride to my parents :)

Then… time passed by, many wonderful things happened in me. One by one, so slowly, required more and more works, never stop. Oh, life seems so tiring, right?

But that was I learned from being alive. No time to stop struggling.

Keep optimistic, never give up. Always thankful to God that giving me such a wonderful gift called LIFE. It’s so precious, at least for myself. I will never stop struggling, until I fulfill Your purpose for keeping me alive…

PS: I pray for departed soul of my cousin, may Allah forgive all your mistakes and bless you. Have a nice journey, dear…

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