Thursday, February 28, 2013

Something about Them

Hello all!

Sudah lama yaa, aku nggak menulis soal cinta-cintaan. Hmm, gara-gara tiba-tiba denger lagunya Adele – Someone Like You, jadi teringat sesuatu. I remember them, who are ever filled my days with love. Ohohoho, santai-santai, even they’re now married, but I’ve been invited kok, so I wasn’t turn up out of the blue uninvited ;D hehehe. I just wanna highlight the part :

“I heard
That your dreams came true.
Guess she gave you things
I didn't give to you”

Not to be melancholic, but yup, I think about it. Temanku pernah bilang, “Dia (mantanmu) aja nggak pernah mikirin kamu, why should you?”. Yee, bukan gitu juga sih. Setelah waktu berlalu sekian lama, mengalami banyak hal yang membahagiakan bersama mas Kamen Rider, aku pun berpikir, that I didn’t give them “things” that their wives give to them, begitu pula mereka, they didn’t give me “things” that Kamen Rider can give to me. 

Rasanya kalau begini kok teori “the right man in the right time” itu ada benernya. Eh? Harusnya “the right man in the right place” ya? Hihihi, sorry, aku modif dikit deh...

Tapi iya kan?

Somehow..., aku sekarang merasa lucu, mengingat how devastated I was when I broke up with my last boyfriend. I blamed myself a lot for our separation by blaming them that can’t take me just the way I am. The way I think, the way I behave to them... Salah apaaaa aku ya? Kadang aku mikir apa aku yang terlalu cuek, jarang cemburuan, jarang perhatian, dll bla bla bla... Padahal setelah aku inget-inget lagi, sepertinya sudah aku curahkan segala perhatianku buat mereka sebisaku, but I just wanna looks cool and not easy to get. But see, they left me away...

Now, when I see them with their little families, I know that I can’t give them “things” they wanted but their wives can, as they also can’t give me “things” that Mr. Kamen Rider can give to me.

Dulu, aku nggak bisa menerima kenyataan bahwa sang mas mantan selalu merasa minder dan jealous sama aku. I mean, bukan jeles yang berarti cemburu sama cowok lain yang dekat denganku, tapi beliaunya nggak bisa menerima bahwa ada “sesuatu” dariku yang melebihi dia. Day by day, dia semakin menjauh, mlipir banter dan pergi bersama wanita lain. Whaaat?! Aku sudah bersamanya selama hampir 4 tahun dari masih cupu, dan saat dia sudah keren, perempuan lain enak aja mencuri hatinya. AAAAARRGH! Kesalnya aku waktu itu. Hihihi. And you know what, his wife had relationship with him for 5 years before they got married, a year longer than with me! Itu berarti, dia memang bisa tahan bersamanya, lebih tahan dari bersamaku. Pernah dulu menyesal, aaaah kenapa nggak aku aja yang lama sama dia (fyi, aku jadian dengannya sejak SMP sampai kuliah, waw, masih kecil kaan). He was cute, but now he’s not so cute anymore :p

Another man filled my lovely days after him, and days felt like summer everyday (sumuk?). Hahaha, bukan itu, tapi hari-hari dimana muka terasa panas dan pipi merah merona, jantung berdetak lebih kencang. But I was scared when he asked for commitment... I just felt too young to step on that stage. Merasa masih banyak mimpi yang kugantung di atas awan yang belum sempat kuraih. Kupikir sebuah ikatan akan membuatku terbelenggu dan tidak bisa melangkah. Aku kabur dan meninggalkan dia yang berniat bakal menabrakkan diri ke kereta api kalau aku pergi. Don’t worry, he’s now still alive, has a beautiful wife and cute son, hidup damai bahagia. But maybe, if I stay with him, I can’t be myself today :)

Then there was a boy, I don’t know what to say, maybe the setting was wrong from the first time we started the relationship. Bukan karena aku, for seriously, tapi karena ketidaktahuanku (you can find the full story in my post 3 years ago). And everything seemed so wrong in our relationship. But really, I know this guy is a good person. Buktinya sekarang dia sudah menikah, dengan gadis yang baik pula.

Hmm, not because of this last person I became so devastated after the separation, but because I didn’t know how to fix my broken heart yang hancur berkeping-keping, merasa kenapa selalu akhirnya nggak happy ending seperti itu. Aku hanya kurang sabar buat mengecap rasanya bahagia, padahal bahagia bukan sesuatu yang bisa didapat secara instan, iya kan? Indomie goreng aja butuh direbus dulu 5 menit, ditiriskan, terus dicampur sama bumbunya, baru bisa dimakan dengan nikmat (nggak nyambung! Biarin wek!).

Butuh waktu agak lama, dan pengalaman yang nggak semuanya menyenangkan, buatku move on. Dalam artian disini, kembali ke path yang aku inginkan, menjadi diri sendiri. Tapi kenapa sih move on selalu dihubungkan dengan mendapat pasangan baru, heran aku! Hehehe. Aku pernah membaca (lupa sumbernya), bahwa dengan menjadi diri sendiri dan berusaha menjadi yang terbaik, maka calon pasangan akan datang dengan sendirinya (btw, pake usaha juga kaliii). Dan saya pun memutuskan untuk berusaha menjadi keren, bukan untuk siapa-siapa, tapi diri sendiri. Bermimpi setinggi-tingginya dan berusaha mewujudkannya. 

Sebenernya mungkin bukan karena aku jadi keren yang bikin aku bertemu dengan si Kamen Rider. Tapi dia adalah seseorang yang berusaha untuk selalu mengerti aku, mencintai aku apa adanya dan apa yang melekat padaku, mimpi-mimpi gilaku, orang-orang di sekitarku, hewan-hewan dan benda-benda yang juga di sekitarku. Berusaha membuatku nyaman menjadi diriku sendiri. He is a great man that gives me “things” those guys couldn’t give to me. He deserve for all good compliments from me :) Dan hanya dengan dia, aku pun berusaha untuk tidak selalu looks cool, kadang bisa cemburu, kadang perhatian berlebihan, dan kadang membuat dia marah. I just... being myself. 

In conclusion, aaah... No need to be so sad if someone in the past itu bukan seseorang yang ditakdirkan buatku. I really could not give them “something” they want/need, neither they are. I thank Allah for giving me such a wonderful plot of my life story, with those frustrating twists.

"My salad days, when I was green in judgment"

Cited from "Anthony and Chleopatra" by Shakespeare in SALAD DAYS by Shinobu Inokuma

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Hello! Orange Sunshine!

Hello hello hello hello!

Apa kabar semuanya? I am so sorry for long time not post anything in here, a bit busy with many stuffs *cliché! Really, it’s been a long time not having interaction with you guys, in the world of blogging. Hehehe, yeah, after the issue of multiply closure, I never write again for a little bit long time. I even wrote a good bye post! But yeah, I don’t know how long this will continue, since I knew that multiply is still working, I’m glad to write on it again. Feels like going home...

Okay, yesterday I took an afternoon break with one of my bestfriend in here (AIT). I told her that I really envy her photos with the pink flowers near my dorm. Yay! I wanna tell you that these days the flowers bloom beautifully here, and the weather is quite nice also. Ok, once again, quite nice, in spite of the heat that recently comes that makes me sweat a lot.

Today I decide to take a little rest for my mind, that lately become so busy thinking and get kinda frustrate, stuck on my thesis progress. I really don’t know what to do with the data I got from the field. Furthermore, I feel a little lazy, I don’t know why.

Since the weather is very nice, ok, I will try to write a little about myself lately. Actually, I already wrote many drafts to post in this blog, but see, I didn’t feel that it was good, so I just saved them in my files, too shy to post it.

So now, why I’m so busy lately?
Mainly, I wanna finish this master study as soon as possible before May.

Why May?
I wanna get married on May.

Hihihi, so that’s why I become so busy eventhough I had spent almost 4 months in my home country Indonesia. It supposed to be a holiday for me, but most of that time I spent for preparing the wedding, and did data collection for my thesis. And one more thing made my holiday became busier, ehem, I tried to apply a doctoral course. Therefore, beside those entire formal schedules I had managed for wedding and thesis, I also have to prepare the documents and research plan for this. Hooooo… my life seems so complicated :D

But it’s ok, I enjoyed them all.

I wanna explain you a bit how I managed those 3 “babies”.

In fact, I’m not that kind of person that can do multitasking works. I need to focus finishing things one by one. Therefore, that’s what I did.

First time I came back to Indonesia, I just wanted to rest my mind and body after 9 tiring months I spent in Thailand and Japan. The busy 2nd semester (February to May 2012) and intersemester (May to July 2012) really makes my mind so tired. Those classes drove me crazy with the tight schedule and tons of assignments! Even when my family came to Thailand, I still had to finish my assignments, thanks to them that very supportive, they rose up my spirit, and the result of their visit was incredibly amazing… I GOT PERFECT SCORES IN ALL SUBJECTS! Really, I never had it before, it made me can’t believe I could made it!

The most excited thing was I got a chance to visit Japan, particularly Kyoto. Whoaaaa… I, myself, still can’t believe that I could visit my dream-country. I was so happy and excited, eventhough it was in summer, and even worse, in fasting-month Ramadhan, I still excited to visit many interesting places. But ok, formally, I learnt a lot in there, in the frame of my study in disaster management. I wish I can get a chance to go there again, with my family. Amiin.

Then, when I came back to Thailand, I had continuing class of DRC (the same course I took in Japan). This class also interesting, actually, despite I have to commuting everyday from AIT (in Rangsit, 40 km from Bangkok) to Kasetsaart University (in Bangkok), got motion sickness so badly in the bus, and still got a lot of assignments. Heuuuw… But it’s ok, at least I could visit Phuket (I went there by plane, for free!) and many “disaster-related” places in Thailand. You know what, somehow, now I become interested in this kind of place. Hahaha, freak!

On October, I rushed myself to finish my thesis proposal with one motivation: GO HOME SO SOON! I missed my family and hometown a lot. And yes, I made it! 

Came back to Indonesia, to my beloved hometown Yogyakarta particularly, many tasks for wedding preparations were awaited! Hahaha…, really, I just wanted to relax myself for some time, but the to-do-list was so long, so I just got relaxed while do the wedding preparations. 

Wanna know my wedding prep list? Here they are:

1. Fix the wedding ceremony rundown with the organizer. 

Yeah, because I born in Javanese family, the ceremony will be in Javanese tradition, particularly Yogyakarta style. However, my family is actually come from East Java (for wedding they usually use Solo style), but since we live in Yogyakarta, we follow Yogya tradition, fair enough. There are 5 ceremonies will be held: ‘pengajian’ (reading Al Qur’an), ‘siraman’ (shower), 'midodareni' (somekind like bachelorette party), ‘akad nikah’ (Islamic wedding ceremony) and reception.

2. Wedding dresses. 

It must be ‘kebaya’ (traditional Javanese cloth). The surprising fact was… I thought I only have to make 2 dresses (for 2 main ceremonies, ‘akad nikah’ and reception), but in the end, I made 5 kebayas! One for each ceremonies. 

The ‘akad’ dress and reception dress I made in a good wedding dress tailor Mrs. Yustina of Talenta Modiste (as recommended by my bestfriend Che and also the WO). FYR, she made wonderfully beautiful dress in a nice price, I mean, the price is worth it with the dress. 

And the other dresses, I made in Mbak Menik (my driver’s wife), I trust her because usually she made me kebaya in fitted size for me :) Plus, the price is negotiable, hahaha!

3. Invitation.

This is one of the important part of wedding stuffs. My fiancée do the design so nice, and so our taste. Love it a lot! (Sorry, no teaser, hihihi)

The other thing that made me feel so blessed was, when I look for the right printing shop (good result and price), suddenly my bestfriend’s mother (who own a printing shop) offer me to print in her place, with special price. Really, I’m so happy! And looking forward for the result :3

4. Souvenir.

My mother was being soooo sooo complicated for this matter, she had a lot of considerations to decide the souvenir. Unlike me, just looks good in a reasonable price is okay. But finally, after quite long searching, she decided the nicest souvenir for my wedding guest. FYR, I ordered the souvenir from Swan Souvenir, they made cute souvenirs!

5. Bridesmaids and the uniforms.

This one is my thing, as bride-to-be. I will invite my best friends to attend my wedding with uniform. One of my bestfriends, Jayanti, suggested me to choose the different material (usually it is brocade, tulle, or colored plain cloth), then the flowery fabric was chosen to make the bridesmaid uniform. 

6. Prewedding photographs.

Yuhu! I asked one good friend of mine, who is also a good photographer to do it for us. His name is Taruna al Hadiid. He know my taste quite well, and the most important is he can communicate with us well. The price? Friendship price :D hehe!

7. Marriage documents.

It was sooooo complicated, I have to go from one office to another only to get a sign from a certain person. Somehow it took time unnecessarily, because of the complicated procedure and their rubber schedule. Oh my beloved country system…

8. Wedding gifts.

In Indonesian tradition, the groom should give gifts to the bride from head to toe. For the real HEAD TO TOE!! Really, first time I felt uneasy when his family asked me what I want for the gift. I feels so weird as I’m not used to ask many things, even to my family, that much. And when I know that the head-to-toe list is very long, I was shocked. I will let you know the list (it maybe useful for you who wanna get married so soon):
  • Clothes (kebaya, special occasion wear, casual wear)
  • Body care (soap, shampoo, facial foam, body scrub, body lotion/body butter, body splash, etc)
  • Make up (moisturizer, foundation, powder, lipstick, eyeshadow, blush on, eyebrow, eye liner, mascara, etc)
  • Foot wears (shoes, etc)
  • Bags (casual bag, clutch, etc)
  • Underwears (bra, underpants, lingerie)
  • Jewelries (ring, earring, bracelet, necklace, etc)
  • Perfume
  • Foods and fruits (for ceremonial use)
  • Prayer tools
  • Special request, I asked for a BICYCLE :) hehehe.
  • Etc etc

That was on my list, my parents got the longer list, such as the venue (that they already book almost a year ago), the committee members, invited person list, and many more details. Sorry papa mama, I have to leave you many tasks while I’m abroad.

Now, back to Thailand, back to realities and routines. And then, just last week I finally presented my research plan for doctoral course. I was so nervous, but tried to remain calm, and being myself. I don’t know what “sign” they gave to me, because I just saw them always showing the flat face... -__- But I hope I could get the chance, amiiin...

That’s all from me this time. I finally spent my half days writing this. I should continue working on my thesis. The data-vacation is over. Though I am now stuck on it, no matter how difficult it is, I must face it bravely. And kill this laziness!


Saturday, February 9, 2013

Happy Birthday

Happy 26th Birthday, Love of my Life...
I knew words are not enough to express all these feelings 
Just wish you for the best
your health
your career
above all, your love
I love you, Sayang

Khlong Luang, February 10th 2013