Monday, December 14, 2015



Random post today, I think nowadays no one read this blog. Hahaha...

This morning my husband showed this video, and I kept thinking during my bicycle riding to campus.



for dreams. for the future. for life!!!

Saturday, May 16, 2015

28 Years Old Me

Yeay! It’s been a long time I didn't write any birthday post.

Well, HAPPY 28th BIRTHDAY to myself (on May 12)

I always always being grateful that I could live this long… it is the greatest gift from God for me.

Latest birthday post was when I turned 25. I was in Thailand pursuing my master degree. And time really flies so fast, 3 freaking years already passed! I feel like I still 25 years old, but in fact I get older and older in age number.

So, what changes in me after 3 years?

Many things changed.

I am now married, my ‘jomblo hina’ (desperate single) era was ended beautifully.
I am now living in Japan, already 1 and half years, and still have 1.5 years more, or probably longer.
I am now pursuing doctoral degree, stage I never thought I would reach in this age.
The most important is… I am now a mother.
And… I think my body is now being very nice to me, since I feel a lot healthier and a lot more active.

See, there are many changes that I have to be thankful of :)

Somehow, being 28 years old give me an effect of being mature, somekind like… I should more behave like a mature adult. However, I maybe still want to be young and free, like age is not an obstacle for me for enjoy life as I want to. I still can enjoy traveling, get lost in somewhere randomly, playing with water, wearing colorful clothes… anything. Something changed is just now I am with my husband and little baby. And they are my awesome crazy mates. I can still traveling and get lost with them, and even wearing colorful clothes matching with them. Maybe, as I get older, something also changed in my mind, or the way I behave to others, but I wish it is in a good way.

Something never change from myself is… I STILL A DAYDREAMER.

There are many goals I wanna reach in the future.

For myself, for my family too…
My personal dreams, and family goals…

I still want to travel around the world, with my family. I don't know, it will be turn out… maybe for study (again), for work, or just traveling on vacation. As long as I can go to a new place in the world, I am happy.

I still want to do something useful for many people. I feel, I never do anything useful for people yet until now. I’m still thinking the way I would make it happen someday… but for now, I have to study harder, maybe someday the knowledge I gained might be useful.

Short-term dream… conduct my research in awesome way, I want to make it one of my masterpiece I will be proud of. And maybe… related to my statement above, can be useful for people too.  I also look for a fit job for me in the future. Some said, doctoral graduate may fit in teaching job, I honestly want to do it too, but kinda not confident yet. I don't know, something happened in the past regarding this matter, or maybe I just too afraid of being rejected by university I dream to work for. Hehehe…. Wherever, Jogja, Surabaya… or maybe Japan… I’ll do my best!!!

Well, I am now 28 years old.
2 more years to turn 30… hahaha…
It’s not a big deal.
Age can be older, but my soul will stay young!

Let’s being awesome in 28!

For freams, for the future, for life!!!

Friday, April 17, 2015

Catatan Seorang Mamasiswa


Berapa kali aku galau berat dalam blog ini?

Kayanya cuma nulis pas galau aja ya. Hehehehe… gomen ne, habisnya kalo galau di socmed kok kesannya lebay gimanaaaa gitu. Lagian ini blog sudah jarang ku update, hikks…

Oke,tanggal berapa sekarang?

17 April 2015

eh? Sudah April lagi? Sudah tahun 2015??

So, I’ve been thinking… I already 1.5 year in here… I am now in 2nd year… 2nd semester of my study. My study. Caps locked, MY STUDY. Jreng jreeeeng!

You know what?

Somehow, I still can’t believe that I am on this stage… being a doctoral student. I was a very ordinary student when I was in undergrad, I was also not an outstanding student among the other students in master. I just a lucky student.

So, with no knowledge of being doctoral student, I just doing this and that related to my current research… progressing as slow as snail… keep on busying my head thinking about research and stuffs, and baby, and house works and traveling (I try to do it as much as I can, even though it is not really much, actually).

Then, suddenly I realize that things become more complicated. I should not be just doing what I’m doing now…, should be more, deeper, faster… So now I try to adjust myself with it. Sometimes, or always, I need something to waken me up, like… deadlines, for every single goals.

Sesungguhnya agak repot juga menjalani research, at the same time, ngurusin bayi, dan ngurusin badan. Hehehe. Tapi ngurusin badan berbanding lurus dengan bikin research dan nguruin si Baymax, bayi yang batrenya maximal.

Sebelumnya aku pernah bercerita tentang galau ASI yang kualami, itu salah satu tantangan terbesar menjadi seorang mamasiswa (student mama). Some people may judge me anything tentang diriku yang bisa dibilang gagal kasih ASI eksklusif. But…, I try, I tried my best to give him… but, as my husband said, everyone have their own condition, and I already tried my best *sob (I always become very sentimental about this). Buat yang sukses, somehow, kalian membuatku iri maksimal, kadang-kadang suka nyeri di hati setiap ngeliat ada yang ngepost hasil pompa ASI yang berbotol-botol, berkulkas-kulkas, sorry kalo aku menganggapnya pamer, dan suka mendadak bete seharian gara-gara lihat gambar gitu. If you’re on my condition, you will know how it feels :)

Then, belajar adalah prioritas utama buat semua pelajar, dari SD sampe S3 sekalipun. Untungnya sekolah nggak kaya HP Samsung galaxy, sampe S6, ga kebayang bisa botak aku kalo sekolah terus. But having a baby make studying feels like an illegal activity, harus sembunyi-sembunyi, colong-colong waktu. Baru baca jurnal bagian abstract belom kelar, si Baymax udah ngajak main. Kalo enggak, kertasnya dipake mainan, kalo pake laptop, keyboardnya dipukul-pukul. Kapan kelar mama baca jurnalnya, Baymaaaxx??

Si Baymax sekarang sudah 10 bulan, mulai belajar berdiri dan jalan. Udah bisa main sendiri sama mainannya, yang kata mertua anak laki-laki mainannya harus banyak. So far mainannya sih dimainin dengan setengah bener. Seperti main bola dilempar-dikejar, main mobil-mobilan digeser-geser, dan gitar kecil dipetik senarnya… sampe copot. Hehehe…

Sekarang juga mulai bisa makan sendiri, walaupun berantakan abis. Dikenalin MPASI pake metode baby-led weaning, dianya sih seneng banget, bisa main sambil makan. Note that it is more playing than eating. But it’s ok, yang penting dia mau makan dengan fun. Soal porsi, memang sih nggak sebanyak disuapin (spoon-feeding) yang masuk, karena lebih dari setengahnya dipake mainan, kecuali kalo dikasih stroberi, habis bis! I mixed BLW and SF in weaning for my baby, conditionally. Kadang-kadang males bikin bubur-buburan dan pingin ngajak makan bareng di meja (si bayi pake high chair pastinya) ya pake BLW. Kalo lagi males beresin dan agak buru-buru ya SF. Walaupun nggak selalu lancar, tapi K punya selera makan yang cukup bagus akhir-akhir ini. Inilah bagian yang membuatku terhibur dari galau ASI, he’s quite good on weaning and his development going very well *cheers

OK, karena sudah lama enggak nulis, pas kubaca lagi ke atas, kok ceritaku enggak urut, bahasa berantakan, dan ngaco. Kadang iri juga sama mbak-mbak blogger ngetop yang konsisten posting, bahasa dan cerita menarik, dan pastinya punya banyak followers yang setia menanti ceritanya. I used to be very excited to write back then, when I still using multiply, having many loyal readers who become my real friends, getting feedback in every single post and interact with them. But now, everything changing, life keep on going… even I don’t get many readers like before, but one loyal reader still waiting for my stories… my beloved husband *kiss.

Akhir kata, I have to rush myself to progressing my research, make it my masterpiece! And keep the baby healthy and happy. Keep my husband healthy and satisfy, too~ hahaha!

Greeting from Kyoto
Spring 2015

The Pink Cat

PS: Mr. Kamen Rider is planning to take entrance exam for take master study in here, please wish him a good luck!