Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Dongeng Geologi
Hey hey..., since I am studying Disaster Preparedness, Mitigation and Management here at AIT, and I realized that the FoS I've chosen is a bit far from my past focus of study (I mainly focused on urban space development), though it's still in the frame of urban planning, I still think that I really stupid in this area, then I started to look for references related to my field of study.

Most of disasters are natural disaster, and most of natural disasters are caused by geological phenomenon, so when I searching for it suddenly I stopped in this blog. Much much informations inside, and what I really love from this blog is the writer (Mr. Rovicky - Geologist) makes all the scientific explanation in very simple language, so common people like me can easily undertand.

It maybe also useful for you to broaden up your knowledge in geology... Really, all the explanations are in simple language :)


  1. *baca*

    *ga mudeng*

    *garuk2 kepala*

    *closed window*

  2. huahahaha... masa sih? nggak susash gitu kok, daripada artike2 geologi lain yg lebih scientific... hihihi

  3. Gojekan gejenya:

    “Pakdhe kalau mencegah untuk menaiknya air laut karena pemanasan global gimana Pakdhe ?”
    “kalau mencegah naiknya boleh dibilang impossible thole. Kalau mengurangi dampaknya masih mungkin lah”
    “Gimana pakdhe ?”
    “Walaupun dapat juga dibuat tanggul seperti membuat bendungan di Belanda itu, tetap yang paling aman ya pindah kedaratan yang lebih tinggi !”

  4. human beings play an important role to minimize natural disaster :)
