Hello fellas!
Actually this should be a long time ago post, but I am so sorry I just catch the mood to post this now. Hihihi... It belong to my after graduate project White Canvas Shoes that I planned to visit many interesting places in the world, especially in my home town Yogyakarta.
After the big volcano eruption in the late 2010, Merapi settlement area became devastated, almost all houses damaged, and many people died (for unnecessary reasons, in my opinion, because there was a lot of warnings long long before the lava and hot cloud strikes the village). But people activity in Merapi now still running and developing to be volcano tourism destination. Kinda love this new attraction of Yogyakarta tourism, but still a bit afraid of the risk in the area.
These pictures included my first trip to Merapi after the eruption on April 16th 2011, and the second trip to the temporary shelter on June 25th 2011. I felt sad when I visited the damaged houses, and a bit spooky, it feels like every single thing left in the houses can whisper...
Ninggal komen penanda dulu, komen serius bsk pagi..
ReplyDeletePada hobi meninggalkan jejak, tanggung jawab belakangan... hahaha XD
ReplyDeleteditunggu seriusnya kak
belum pulih ya?
ReplyDeleteUdah pulih kok, cuma fungsinya nggak dikembalikan lagi untuk permukiman
ReplyDeleteMemang lebih baik jadi kawasan konservasi sekaligus wisata :)
Itu alat berat yang dibelakang namanya apa?? :-D
ReplyDeletePanas2 kok difoto, jadinya cemberut deh.. Kakak yang kejam kamu Tid.. XD
ReplyDeleteNamanya Shaun bukan??
ReplyDeleteKameranya bagus.. Dibawa ke Thailand ga??
ReplyDeleteEntah lah... hahahaah...
ReplyDeleteKalo cemberut dia lebih cakep daripada senyum... hahahahaah!!!
ReplyDeletePapanya Shaun niiihhhh :D
ReplyDeleteWajibb laaahh.. hahaha... masa ditinggal di Jogja? Eman bangeeettt
ReplyDeletePadahal mo tak embat kameranya..
ReplyDeleteSi bigboyyyyy!!!