Sunday, June 28, 2009

Thai-girl who looks like me ^^v

My friend in Japan tagged me this picture... She said that the girl wears glasses looks like me. Her name is Pin Chang, from Thailand. Both her and my friend are now studying in Japan.

My friend also tagged Pin Chang on one of my photo. Hahahaa... I never met her before, n I still guessing her reaction when she see my photo which tagged her name by my friend.

Hahahaa... for Ajeng... now u meet 1 of my 4 twins on this world... ^^d

(eh, kembaran manusia itu 4 apa 7 sih di dunia ini???)


  1. woh... 7 yah....
    aku dah nemu 2 brati... yang satu adik kelasku SMA, cuma ga terlalu mirip
    yang ini miripan, cz sama2 chubby

  2. hehehe... sapa yang cosu??
    dia yg cosu jadi aku... hahahahaha ^^d
    mana kacamatanya juga mirip bgt!! hehehe

  3. XD XD XD

    this thai-girl is also cute ^^d

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