Thursday, November 11, 2010

Temporary Out of the City


Because of Mount Merapi eruption within this month, and my parents has to go to Mecca for hajj, me and my sister temporary move to Bekasi, my uncle’s house. Hope those frightening volcanic activities in Jogja; explosions, blistering clouds, ashes rain, and so on, could stop very soon. I really missed Jogja, my whole life is in there. It feels really terrible that I had to leave the city, without doing anything to help, not even become a volunteer since I know I had a weak body. I’m so sorry Jogja… :(

Hope someday I could contribute to make my beloved city become better, well planned and comfortably to be lived in. I’ll be back by the end of this week! See you!

So much love,

PS: thanks so I can monitored Jogja condition by streaming the handy-talky-talk via the internet web :)

photo source: random websites


  1. sumuuuukkk... dan bosaaann... bukan wilayah jajahan sih, jadi nggak tau harus ngapain. homesick

  2. Oo, bisa dimangertos. Senyaman apapun emg lebih kerasan di rumah sendiri... Yah bear with it a little longer, okay? :-)

  3. yup, home sweet home... :)
    mungkin akhir minggu ini pulang jogja, udah aman disana??

  4. Kalo Merapi sih, masih belum bosen dia nyembur2. Tapi aku sih dah balik rumah, 18 km di selatan Merapi agak ke barat is fine enough.

  5. waaa baru baca.. ortu lagi naik haji yah, ngungsi ke bekasi, bekasi mana barat atau timur.. klo panas yah wajar daerah industri, daerah harapan indah bukan?

  6. is it really safe there??? *melongo*
    yup, masih ngikutin streaming mbah tono di combine nih

  7. jogja is always be my HOME SWEET HOME (sambil nyanyi lagunya YUKI)

  8. aku buta banget sama jakarta dan sekitarnya... hahaha... but according my chat with you, it's Bekasi Timur. it's really hot here... (T_T)

  9. Since Saturday it's been safe....Only dusty wind once for a while. And we are helped by the occasional rain so it's not as bad as the previous days :)

    Aku sempat ngungsi ke rumah bulik, tapi ya gitulah. Seperti yang kamu bilang, home sweet home XD

  10. Yup, I think the rain makes all clearer there... ah,,, really missed the smell of jogja after rain...

    kebetulan aku sama sepupuku ortunya lagi pada keluar negeri semua... jadi aku harus njagain adik2ku juga... huhu, jan, jadi mbarepnya mbarep aku mas

  11. Ketua (yang dituakan) dong XD

    Wah mesti ngalah sengalah2nya tuh XDD
    Sabar ya ngadepinnya :)

  12. nggak juga sih, malah lebih ke harus bisa mengambil keputusan
    adik2 sih manut2 aja... hahaha... mereka yang ngalah...

  13. asal jangan ky pengungsi kebanyakan aja balik kerumah cm buat beres" dah gtu balik lagi ke pengungsian, klo bolak-balik JGJ - JKT cm buat beresin rumah ke bayar banget tuh waktu di perjalanannya XD

  14. Semoga cepat berakhir ya, baik lagi, bisa cepet pulang kerumah lagi^^

  15. Kalo g urgent ya di Bekasi dulu aja, daerah di luar 20km udh tampak normal sih.. Tp debuny itu msh sering beterbangan, tp g separah Jumat kmrn.. Org2 bermasker udh agak berkurang, tp dsr aku yg paranoia jd ya maskeran terus.. XD

  16. jadi kebiasaan make masker kalo pergi ke mana-mana
