Friday, October 29, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
What A Day?!!
Yup!! I was so bored today, my mood to work on my final project was gone almost completely. And suddenly an idea come up when my driver was about to take my mother’s shoes in around Kraton. “Hm, why don’t I visit Tamansari and walk around it, it sounds so fun,” I thought. Then, I went there, to Tamansari Water Castle!
Hehehe… kurang kerjaan banget kan? Tengah hari buta, matahari panas ngenthang-ngenthang, dan sendiri pula. Geje abis! But basically I love to do this, jalan-jalan sendiri di tempat yang (menurutku) menarik, mengamati apa saja yang ada di situ, dan memikirkan segala masalahku sambil jalan. Ah… sebenernya hanya ada satu masalah kok dalam hidupku akhir-akhir ini, masalah akademik!!
Huff… setelah kemarin pra pendadaran malah dapet tugas seabrek, akhirnya aku kambuh lagi deh penyakit malesnya. Mood tiba-tiba hilang, dan tiap hari rasanya ngantuuuk… seperti diserang ribuan lalat tse-tse!!! Dan waktuku tinggal 2 minggu lagi sebelum ujian yang kemarin dinyatakan expired *sigh, sigh, sigh*.
Oke, back to Tamansari. Yap, as you know, Tamansari is one of those famous touristic site in Yogyakarta. It’s quite a long time I didn’t visit this place since 2 years ago. And voila! This place changed a lot. Mulai dari Pasar Burung yang dipindah ke Dongkelan, dan beberapa pemugaran di sana-sini. Bagus sih, tapi feel-nya jadi beda aja. Dulu atmosfernya “reruntuhan” sedangkan sekarang lebih ke “almost finished hall”. It’s okay, soalnya dulu di mata kuliah Preservasi dan Konservasi Kawasan Kota aku dan kelompokku pernah bikin tugas rencana kawasan ini, dan sekarang mendekati persiiiis banget dengan yang kami buat di tugas.
Yang membuatku senang, kawasan ini makin lama makin tertata dan “sadar wisata”. Dulu cuma seadanya banget, sekarang terasa lebih berseni. Beberapa tembok rumah yang dulunya lusuh, sekarang meriah oleh mural motif batik dan pewayangan. Sumpah, aku sampai terperangah aja lihat ada “warna-warni” baru itu. Tapi aja juga beberapa bagian yang masih “kampung” banget, itu menambah sensasi sendiri jalan-jalan ini. Ada juga tembok-tembok lama yang warna catnya sudah memudar, malah membuatnya makin artistik. Entahlah aku berlebihan atau enggak dalam menilainya, soalnya aku yang jalan-jalan hari ini lebih banyak pake feeling sebagai “orang stress yang lagi butuh pencerahan” ketimbang sebagai “calon urban planner” (would I be an urban planner, actually?). Yang jelas, rasanya aku pengen banget membawa adikku yang cantik itu, dipakein baju yang keren, foto-fotoin dia disini, dan upload di LookBooknya. Hahahahha!
Nice lampion, is it KKNs made?
Miniature of Tugu, so cute!
The kampong corner
Pulo Cemeti today
Junior high school couple and friends hanging out here
A bit disappointment, it’s not allowed to enter the peak of Pulo Cemeti. Uhuk… padahal itu spot favoritku, bisa lihat kota dari atas, sambil ditiup angin, dan sambil sun bathing, lumayan kan tanning gratis. Tapi ya… sayangnya lagi under renovation. Aku terpaksa harus menikmati muter-muter Pulo Cemeti di bawahnya aja. And guess what view I got there?? Anak-anak SMP yang berkeliaran (entah kenapa, setiap aku kesini selalu ketemu anak SMP, dari aku semester 1 dulu sampai sekarang!) beberapa di antaranya pacaran, dan juga beberapa pasangan yang (mungkin) seumuran sama aku lagi menikmati “dunia milik berdua” di lobang-lobang jendela. Uff… Oke, that’s really not good!
“We shape our cities thereafter the city shape us”
- Churchill -
Aku sempat mikir juga, ya… inilah Jogja, kota yang banyak dijejali pelajar dari seantero Indonesia, tapi nggak punya tempat pacaran yang cozy dan beradab. Inilah salah satu yang mendorongku buat belajar planologi, membuat tempat pacaran yang cozy dan beradab. Hahaha… tapi gimana ya? Karena aku pikir itu penting, karena “ruang menciptakan budaya”. Masak sih budaya pacaran yang ingin kita ciptakan itu mojok dan ngamar? Dilemma juga sih tapinya, kalo diakomodasi, ntar jadi kaya di Italy atau Paris, kita bisa lihat pasangan kissing dimana-mana. Ada ide, temen-temen?
Oke-oke, that’s just my unnecessary thought. Perjalananku lanjut. Honestly, I’m a bit claustrophobic, aku benci tempat yang sempit, gelap, dan lembab, seperti lorong-lorong di Tamansari itu. Dan sempet males juga buat masuk sendirian, bisa freak out aku ntar. Luckily, I met again with 4 random friends I had met before, in the circle mosque. So, I joined them. Hehehe…, thanks to them, I could go out safely from the darkness *relieved*.
Random friends I met there: Kris, Roni, Dela, and Wisnu
Dari jalan-jalan siang ini, banyak juga yang kudapat, selain foto-foto, aku juga bisa lebih relax memikirkan masalah-masalahku, dapat banyak inspirasi, dan teman, juga sempat jadi model dadakan. Hahaha... Dan sepanjang siang di situ aku bener-bener jadi tanned. Tapi rasanya puas, sudah lama juga aku nggak bau matahari kayak gitu. Kemarin sebenernya mau susur Selokan Mataram lagi, tapi… ya, mungkin karena mood yang mulai memudar, aku jadi males. It wasn’t exciting doing something you are bored on.
Setelah itu, aku berniat untuk ngadem. Tadinya aku kira sahabatku mau ikutan gabung. Tau-tau dia sms aku, “Where r u?”, heh? Bukannya tadi udah kubilang aku di Tamansari? *bingung*. Lalu aku bilang, “Panas banget disini, aku mau ngadem aja, enaknya kemana?”. Dan dia jawab, “Kamu di Amplaz kan? Aku di Amplaz ni…” HAHHAHAHAHHAHA!!! Ngakak berat aku. Oke, bagi kalian yang nggak tau, foodcourt di mall Ambarukmo Plaza (Amplaz) itu namanya Tamansari. Dia kira aku di TAMANSARI FOOCOURT! A big WEW, and actually I ever been in that situation before (about 3 years ago). Dasar ambigu! Then I went meeting my bestfriend in Amplaz, and laughed at him, LOUD.
Habis itu, aku nonton Step Up 3D di XXI, ditraktir temen yang ngasih kerjaan desain seragam buat tempat kerjanya. Huff, moga-moga biaya nonton nggak dipotong dari fee ya… hahaha. Tapi aku puas banget nontonnya, entertaining banget, walaupun ceritanya standar ala kompetisi dance, dan walaupun nonton 3D bikin aku ribet karena harus make kacamata dobel, untung aja hidungku muat untuk menanggung beban 2 kacamata itu. Hihihi…
After all, hariku hari ini menyenangkan. Though my mood still doesn’t back entirely, but it was really refreshed my mind. Thank God, you give me this day!
Self talking, “Get back to work on your TA!!!”
Monday, October 25, 2010
Friday, October 22, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
My Eat Pray Love (A Random Story)
Konbanwa minna!! How are you all? I’m missing you, dear my loyal readers. Really, it’s been quite a long time I didn’t write any life stories of mine lately.
Shortly, within this month I’ve preparing for my final project presentation, which plan to be held by the end of this month. And I feel a bit disappointed I couldn’t reach the November graduation period :( so I should wait until February to be officially graduated. But whatever would be happen, I will finish this mess all this month and take a long loong looong vacation! Yes! Hahaha, actually, I don’t have any motivation to finish my study, but I REALLY want to traveling somewhere with my bestfriend, that becomes my motivation.
After that sorrowful (or painful?) separation, I lost all my intention to do anything, neither having fun nor finishing the final project. As I told you before, to heal the pain, I tried any method of broken heart healing, I pray a lot, hang out with friends, and do anything that can make me not to think about the past love. Some works, some didn’t works.
My dearest bestfriend helped me a lot during the hard time. I just could cry and share anything to him. He encouraged me to be braver to face life. The most important thing is I have to love myself first, then others will followed. So, what can make me love myself? I love to be loved, so I love. I love to become precious, so I treat anyone preciously. And I also made a short term goal for myself, what I really want to reach, to make my life meaningful. And it goes to my final project. I have to finish it, how hard it is. To make my parents proud, to make a trip with my bestfriend, and to make myself pleased. Then… here I am. I am now really okay, healthy and happy. Not just because of him, but I also find my true self.
Am I now moved on? Yes, and I’m sure I’m now feeling much better.
When you want it the most there's no easy way out
When you're ready to go and your heart's left in doubt
Don't give up on your faith
Love comes to those who believe it
And that's the way it is
(That’s The Way It Is – Celine Dion)
When you're ready to go and your heart's left in doubt
Don't give up on your faith
Love comes to those who believe it
And that's the way it is
(That’s The Way It Is – Celine Dion)
"I'm now having a relationship with this damn red delicious shrimp!"
"You are, after all, what you think. Your emotions are the slaves to your thoughts, and you are the slaves to you emotions"
"To lose balance sometimes for love is part of living a balanced life"
Enough with the English paragraphs, I am now using Indonesian language mode. Hahahaha…
Oke friends, kira-kira begitulah kehidupanku akhir-akhir ini. Masih harus berkutat dengan TA, yang mana kemarin belum bisa dapet freepass menuju pendadaran, masih banyak revisi dimana-mana, jadi nggak memungkinkan untuk ikutan wisuda bulan November, sedih juga. Tapi nggak apa-apa sih, soalnya bagiku targetnya adalah LULUS BULAN NOVEMBER ya, bukan WISUDA BULAN NOVEMBER (metode ngeles yang oke kan? *wink*). Lagipula kalau wisuda periode ini, di angkatanku bisa jadi hanya aku, lha ya repot, ntar yang nraktir seangkatan cuma aku seekor aja, nggak bisa patungan. Wah, bisa bangkrut aku (metode ngeles kedua). Excuse banget yaaaa!! Tapi yang pasti, akan kuselesaikan TA ini sebelum November dimulai. Semangat!!
Love life? Ah, sudah lama juga nggak curcol. Sebenarnya aku sudah nggak sendiri lagi. Ya sebenarnya aku nggak pernah sendiri sih. Aku menemukan hati yang sebenarnya sangat aku sayangi, tapi nggak pernah berani kuraih karena aku terlalu takut untuk kehilangan dia. Pernah kah kamu merasa begitu lucu ketika menyadari bahwa kamu menyayangi seseorang yang selama ini selalu ada di dekatmu, tapi bahkan untuk menyentuhnya pun kamu terlalu takut? Even just to call him "boyfriend" is too less, because he's so much more precious than just "boyfriend". Am I now in a relationship with him? Nope. We are more than just in a relationship. Hope this would be the best, I just can pray but the fate is in God’s hand. If we meant to be, anything would be easier for me and him.
Whenever I see your face, the world dissappears,
All in a single glance of, revealing,
You smile and I feel as though, I’ve known you for years,
How do I know to trust what I’m feeling
I believe my heart, what else can I do,
When every part of every thought leads me straight to you,
I believe my heart, there’s no other choice,
For now whenever my heart speaks, I can only hear your voice
A lifetime before we met, has faded away,
How did I live a moment without you,
You don’t have to speak at all, I know what you'd say,
And I know every secret about you
I believe my heart, it believes in you,
Its telling me that what I see is completely true,
I believe my heart, how can it be wrong,
It says that what I feel for you I will feel my whole life long
I believe my heart, it believes in you,
Its telling me that what I see is completely true,
And with all my soul I believe my heart,
The portrait that it paints of you, is a perfect work of art
(I Believe My Heart – Duncan James feat Keedie)
All in a single glance of, revealing,
You smile and I feel as though, I’ve known you for years,
How do I know to trust what I’m feeling
I believe my heart, what else can I do,
When every part of every thought leads me straight to you,
I believe my heart, there’s no other choice,
For now whenever my heart speaks, I can only hear your voice
A lifetime before we met, has faded away,
How did I live a moment without you,
You don’t have to speak at all, I know what you'd say,
And I know every secret about you
I believe my heart, it believes in you,
Its telling me that what I see is completely true,
I believe my heart, how can it be wrong,
It says that what I feel for you I will feel my whole life long
I believe my heart, it believes in you,
Its telling me that what I see is completely true,
And with all my soul I believe my heart,
The portrait that it paints of you, is a perfect work of art
(I Believe My Heart – Duncan James feat Keedie)
Monday, October 18, 2010
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Friday, October 15, 2010
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Monday, October 11, 2010
Catching the Sun
Don't know what to write actually. But I love writing, whether you read or not. For this late 3 weeks, I worked on my final project. I don't know, I could reach the graduation day or not, but I try. I take all the risks.
After the heartbroken days passed me, I think this is my time to set all things better. I'm actually not alone, I have many good friends around, and my special bestfriend who always by my side. Many thanks for him who always cheer me up, even I'm down to the lowest point.
Now, this is my own fight. I will certainly not give up to all of the hard circumstances I may face.
I'll show the world that I can!!!
PS: To my bestest bestfriend... There's nothing impossible, and I'm sure you can finish it, I KNOW YOU VERY WELL!!!
Let's fight together!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Friday, October 8, 2010
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Monday, October 4, 2010
Saturday, October 2, 2010
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