Thursday, February 24, 2011

My Graduation Day

Hay friends!!!

Finally, as written in the title, I officially graduated from Gadjah Mada University in February 23rd 2011. I’m so happy, finally I made it, after studied for 4 years and almost a year struggling on the final project. And now I got 2 characters added after my name:

Atrida Hadianti, S.T.

I am now really an engineer!

I believe that this is not the end of my life journey, but a beginning of the new journey. The real hardship would come after this, and I (should) get ready to face it all. I must fight with all competencies I got, no more depending on friends or even family. I had so many plans spinning on my mind and I have to arrange the ideas into the real great plan of my future life. Step by step, little by little, I want to fulfill my big dreams to be come true :)

将来 の ため に, 生活 の ため に!!!
For the future, FOR LIFE!!!

The graduation rituals:

Farewell Ceremony in Department of Architecture and Planning,
Faculty of Engineering, UGM

Me, between Prof. Bambang Hari Wibisono and Prof. Sudaryono, they're like father to me. I really proud to be their pupil, they're inspiring me much, and someday I want to like them (or even greater) to make them proud :)

Me between my "fathers", can you guess who's my real father? Hehe, in the left side is the head of the department, Mr. Yoyok, and in the right is my father. They really looks alike, aren't they?

Me, and 2 of my closest classmates, Munir and Ayiek.
I wish they graduate so soon in May!

Me and my parents in house, I really glad I could make them proud

With my sister, she's the one I love the most, and her great support helped me much to reach this stage *kisses for her*

Graduation Ceremony in Grha Sabha Pramana, UGM

With friends before the ceremony started

This is actually me and my bestfriend graduation. I'm happy I could graduate together with him. Finally, we made it!

With Prof. Bambang Hari Wibisono, my final project lecturer. He helps me a lot with his patience and motivations. On the same day, his daughter is also graduated from Architecture and got cum laude. Congratulation!!!

With 2 of my kouhai/juniors, Momo (left) and Rabian (right)

With my family in Tugu Teknik, Faculty of Engineering, UGM

With Pak Gatot, my family driver assistant, he helps a lot to drive me everywhere...

My family: Mama, Me, Sister and Papa

Me and my sister

Surprisingly, my family gave me this as a present for my graduation! Can you believe that this is the first regional planning design I've made when I was in elementary school? And now I become an urban planner. Amazing, right? I was so speechless when I receive this. This is too precious!


  1. congrats! ngeliat foto pipimu yang lagi dicium kok malah aku yang blushing ya:?

  2. selamaaaaaattttt!!!! kapan syukurannyaaa??? XD

  3. wow! you made that when still in an Elementary School?? :O

  4. aaaaah ikutan seneeeengg :D :D :D

  5. Wah slamat y. Keren akhirnya da lulus jd engineer. /top

  6. Selamat deh.. Jadinya PW-nya keluarga nih??

  7. thank you :)
    kok malah kamu yang blushing, yussan? hihihi... *efek fotonya dahsyat juga XD

  8. makasiiih... :D hehehe, bersyukurnya sih tiap detik
    syukurannya kalo aku ke bandung aja yaaa... rencana mau kesana habis ini, doakan :)

  9. siiiippp... ditunggu main bandnya disini jg ya :)

  10. yup! in grade 5 (if I'm not mistaken)
    and my sister keep it carefully... (terharu kuadrat)

  11. iya nih, PWnya ya keluarga sendiri, lha mau minta sahabatku jadi PW, dia juga wisuda, hahahaha.... :D

  12. lagi mau bikin lagu sendiri nih, doakan aja dapet kesempatan main di bandung juga :)
    eh, PM me ur number, I may visit bandung in early march

  13. congrats, trid! hihihi... jadi inget pas wisudaan dulu :D
    btw, ayahmu mirip banget sm dosen pembimbingku.. hahahaa

  14. halaa! kamu anake pak yoyok to? hahaha, udah jd gurauan umum d universitas tu, kirain papaku kakak-adikan sm pak yoyok.
    anw thank you, eh, congrats jg udah jd pns kan km :D

  15. aww... kalo ak gak usah dicongrats gak papa kok, hehee...
    soalnya meleset dr cita2 dan rencana awal.. ;P

  16. At laast! Selamat ya Tid, akhirnya kamu mendapatkan gelar itu juga. Great job, Mate ^^d
    Akhirnya, inilah saatnya mengucapkan: welcome to the jungle! Bare your fangs! XD

  17. hadeh, lgsg pd panggil nama asli :D hehe..

    ita: hahaha.. berkarya sesuai rencana bisa dilakukan di luar jam krja,bu. semangat!

    kak cisya: yeah, entering the jungle! wish me luck. makasih ya kak... thanks buat semangat2nya!

  18. eh eh? mau kerja di Bandung? siplah.. bisa kopdar sama yg lain kita :D

  19. ehm, kerja sekalian sekolah lg :D hohoho. doakn ya

  20. hoo.. siip.. kudoain. memang mau kerja dimana dan sekolah dimana trid? :O

  21. kalo d mp panggil neko atw pinku aja, hehe..
    yah,br cari2 kok, mgkn mw k itb. doakan2..

  22. hehe.. ini nama lengkapmu.. sori kemaren kelewat bacanya :D

  23. haha yup, thats actually my full name, already added in fb ;D

  24. oke. nice to know you :D

    salam kenal dan salam tempel (*ada duitnya) di fb ya! :D

  25. yang tua yang kasih salam tempel :p YESSS!

  26. jiaah.. senengnya dapet tempelan :D

    *kasih stiker 1 toples

  27. congrat!buat jabar jg,,wah kangen pak yoyok. :p

  28. yup, nanti aku sampaikan jabar :D
    fotoku dengan pak yoyok mantap kan???

  29. maaf nih telat banget bener-bener telat banget
    *maklum baru buka MP akhir-akhir ini*
    selamat atas kelulusannya, semoga nanti kedepannya nyari kerjaan gampang *ato udah dapet?* wuiih keren bangetlah UGM huehuehue

  30. hai2 yodhi! gmana ujiannya?? lancar kan?
    hehe.. aku blm dpt krja kok. lg daftar2 s2. doakan yah!
    eh? hahaha yah begitulah wisuda ugm..

  31. yahhh ntar aja deh ngomong UN lancar/bisa kalo udah bener-bener pasti lulus (nunggu pengumuman)
    ditakutkan ngomong "bisa" tapi ternyata hasilnya buruk/ga memuaskan (bukannya pesimis, tapi dari dulu sering kejadian gini, entah karena kualat, ato sombong)
    wah lanjutin S2 nih? tangguh bener dah ngelanjutin pendidikan semoga lancar deh studinya

  32. yoi, aku doakan kamu lulus lho! rencana mw lnjt kemana?
    hm, ehm2, soalnya my dream job emg harus s2... semoga lancar dh. tos!!

  33. rencanya sih Teknik Mesin UI
    tapi gradenya cukup tinggi, sedangkan skor TO gwe selalu dibawah rata-rata (masih 500an, masih jauh banget)
    jadi mungkin nanti disesuaikan dengan nilai-nilai, gmw nekad ah, takut
