Tuesday, May 31, 2011

What A Wonderful May

こんにちわ みんな!お元気か?
I hope you are all healthy and as happy as I am nowadays :) 

May is about to over today… I somewhat a bit busy lately... Am I already having a job? Noooope, I’m still unemployed :D hehehe. But yes, there are several miraculous things happened in my life this late 3 weeks. 

As you know, me and my boyfriend live in different city, me in Jogja and he live in Surabaya, which famous with its heat, mosquitoes and now… gardens, haha. So, when it comes a (quite) long weekend holiday, he came to Jogja! Sungguh hadiah ulang tahun yang sangat menyenangkan. I was really happy and excited seeing him around here. Rasanya takjub melihat dia disini, sampai-sampai aku liatin dia terus, is it really him or his Doppleganger? Hehe :D then I touched his cheek, wouw, it was him, in real! 

(this is my man and me)

Akhirnya..., aku bisa bermalam mingguan bersama kangmas Kamen Rider, for real, di Jogja pula. Just like any other couples, dia main ke rumahku, ngobrol-ngobrol, makan-makan, jalan-jalan. Dan jalan-jalan bersama dia benar-benar seperti mimpi. Mimpi pun, aku nggak ingin cepat berakhir. Sayangnya waktu nggak pernah pilih kasih, ia terus berjalan seperti biasanya, dengan ritmenya sendiri tanpa peduli apa yang dilakukan manusia terhadapnya, bahkan untuk mengecap kebahagiaan dan melepas kerinduan sedikit lebih lama… But I was really happy seeing him around… :)

Another good news come from Bangkok. Ehm… ehm ehm, I don’t know how to tell you readers about this. I’m accepted in Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Thailand. Yeeaaah!!! It’s relieving when I accepted the offer admission letter, I became so speechless. Me? Going to Thailand for study? Thank God for giving me this luck. But since I didn’t get the financial aid yet, I’m still struggling to look for it and pray for more luck… hope this August I could be in Thailand and start the study.

What a wonderful month… May 2011… I turned 24 and being so lucky.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

What a stupid idea I didn't copy it, and now I really messed up by it... (TOEFL Certificate... hiks)

My Girl Crush!

Okay, I secretly confess it to you… that I really like this girl so much! I ever dreamed her 3 times, it was really confusing, do I really fan her that much? Or maybe... I just love/envy her. She’s actually my ex-boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend (confuse, eh? Hahaha!). She’s beautiful, stylish, and she’s also kind to people around her.

She’s also my favorite fashion blogger. I don’t know, somehow I really love her style, the way she posed in front of camera, clothes she wore, her photo editing style, and really...her good written English, I envy her so much!!! Maybe she doesn’t notice me anymore since I never contact her for a very long time, the last time was about 5 years ago when I asked her to fill the voice over for my film, HTM8K. And then, I just following her via FB, Twitter and her blog.

Yes, this is the girl I adore so much. I admit it, I’m her secret admirer :)

Monday, May 9, 2011

Birthday Wishes

Hey hey, there’s still 2 days to my 24th birthday. Ah, again, I’m getting older. When it comes the days before my birthday, I become a bit sentimental. It was May 11, 2008 a day before my 21th birthday, when I knew that my body is no longer as strong as I thought before. Months later, November 2008, I was hospitalized and nearly dead.

Now, as time passes through. 
I almost pass my age 23.
Half of my age 23 went sucks, and half of it went wonderful.
I learnt a lot to live.
How to be tough.
How to face the reality that is not always be kind to me.
And how to reach dreams :)

I now don’t feel that sentimental again. And thanked God for still giving me life and blessing me with this happiness.
As my body get healthier.
As I know there are many people loves me and always support me, however I am.
As I finally finished my final project, graduated and got my bachelor degree.
As I met a good man named Aria and fall in love with him.

And as my age is going on 24, there are so many wishes I pray to God. I wish…

I could live longer and healthier. I know this disease is not easily cured, but I become better to live my life even though I have to live with it.

I could grow a better personality, become wiser and respectable.

To be accepted in graduate school I applied, that one step closer to my dream, to become a professor.

A relationship between me and my man Aria going well, always love, care and support each other, then we could reach our dreams and become great together.

May God always bless my family and loved people with health and happiness, they’re so important for me.


Thank God for every breath I took, was born in this world and still being alive is the greatest gift You give to me. Really, I’m not afraid of being old, but I’m afraid I couldn’t become mature.


Again, welcome my new age 24.
Let’s have a great time! (shakehands)

Sometimes, someone in the past is still watching you, curious with how you run your life now :D

Friday, May 6, 2011

Really can't wait for the next weekend :D

Mendadak Model

Hellow hellow friends, after a full-day raining yesterday, today Jogja is a bit warm :) Yes, there’s always sunshine after rain!

Yeaaah, sebenernya siang ini rencananya aku mau ngirim e-mail ke salah satu perguruan tinggi yang kemarin kudaftar, gara-garanya lupa menyertakan selembar translate Ijazah. Terus rencananya juga mau ngetik revisi naskah publikasi, gara-gara tadi pagi mendadak sama si bapak dosen (yang ganteng dan baik hati) aku di-SMS suruh cepetan kirim revisinya… Ohh, maaf bapak, kemarin saya masih ribet bolak-balik Jogja-Bandung menguras hati… (dan duit, hiks).

Oke, penyakit lamaku kambuh. Tak terkendali kalo udah ketemu dengan koneksi internet cepat. So that, aku pun mulai iseng browsing sana-sini. Buka blogger juga (hmm, gini-gini aku punya blogspot juga, walaupun isinya cuma curcol nggak jelas). Liat-liat link di sisi kanan laman blog-ku, triiing… tiba-tiba teringat sesuatu.



Dan… taraaaah!

(you can click here)

Yes, this is me. Actually, that was my hand and my body. Hahaha!!!

Jadi ceritanya, waktu aku ke Bandung kemarin, temenku yang kosnya aku tumpangi, tau-tau menanyakan, “Mbak, mau jadi modelku ya,” ha? What? Model? Ehm, sempat pede selangit, berasa cantik. “Itu lho, model tas, buat human scale aja, ntar kepalanya kupotong,” weeew… ternyata begitu!

Dan besoknya beneran, pagi-pagi aku dioyak-oyak suruh cepet-cepet mandi. Alamak!!! Mandi pagi di Bandung sungguh bukan hal yang menggairahkan, ademnya ampuun deh. Dan habis ganti baju, belum sisiran belum dandan (even pake bedak pun belum), aku langsung diseret keluar kostnya, dan difoto di gang sempit sambil sesekali harus merapatkan diri ke tembok karena ada motor lewat. Ahak-ahak. Dan diatas itu semua, KEPALA SAYA DIMUTILASI!!! Jadi yaah, cuma tangan dan badanku aja yang nampang deh. Gwahaha… (ketawa gagak, masih nggak iklas! :D)

Monday, May 2, 2011

Nikah?? #3

こんばんわ! みんな元気?

Wuaaah, ada apa nih kok aku tiba-tiba mood buat nulis soal ini lagi ya? Apa karena sudah punya pacar? Hehehe… maybe. Sedikit banyak status in a relationship ini juga mempengaruhi pikiranku soal menikah. Mungkin kalian bisa membandingkannya dengan posting-posting sebelumnya dengan judul yang sama, seperti apa alur pikiranku mengenai hal yang complicated ini. Dulunya aku merasa lebih skeptis dan nggak peduli, karena aku sendiri memang nggak punya pasangan, so why should I care? Kalau sekarang sih sepertinya lebih bisa membuka hati buat membahas hal-hal seperti ini.

Teman – teman sebayaku sekarang sudah banyak yang menikah (beberapa malah ada yang sudah divorced, wow). Kemarin salah satu mantan pacarku juga menikah. Apa aku iri? Sudah pasti! Aku dilangkahin lagi nih. Hehehe. Menurutku, mereka yang bisa memutuskan menikah itu hebat banget. Ini bukan soal betapa asiknya bisa menghabiskan hari-hari berdua bersama, terus lahir anak-anak yang lucu-lucu. Wih, itu sih bayangan indahnya aja, tapi kan hidup itu nggak hanya seneng-seneng aja kan? Begitu juga di dalam pernikahan itu.

Hmm, entahlah, akhir-akhir ini kok aku banyak “dinampaki” kehidupan rumah tangga yang (menurutku) berantakan. Aku jadi takut, apakah segitu sulitnya buat pengertian antar anggota keluarga? Suami ke istri, istri ke suami, bapak-ibu ke anak-anaknya, anak-anak ke orangtuanya… Kenapa kadang suatu hal yang sebenarnya masih bisa dikompromikan baik-baik malah dibawa bersitegang. Bikin mood jadi jelek, dan merembet ke aura rumah jadi nggak enak, dampak buruknya hubungan antara anggota keluarga jadi kaku, rasanya kok pemandangan keluarga yang kayak gini ini kontras banget sama senyum bahagianya di acara nikahannya dulu, dimana semua orang rasanya ngiri dengan kebahagian yang terpancar di wajah mereka. Kemana kemesraan itu hilang? Aku masih bingung.

Kenapa aku ngomongin ini ya? :p Sebenernya aku kurang kerjaan, jadi sempet mikir yang macem-macem, hihihi. Atau efek buruk kebanyakan liat greenweddingshoes ya, jadi pingin. Iya sihh (jujur) hahaha! Tapi aku ya masih tetep kebanyakan mikir. Rasanya aku pingin membangun keluarga yang nggak hanya go-with-the-flow aja, tapi juga ter-planning dengan baik, mulai dari basic-nya, sampai aplikasinya di lapangan, nggak cuma buat jangka pendek, tapi juga jangka panjang sampai aku nggak bernapas lagi. (hmm.. sok planner banget ya aku :D) Hope he think the same way...

Ah ya, jadi inget beberapa waktu lalu aku ngisi kuis tag-tag-an di FB tentang wedding plan. Hmm, sekarang mau kujawab lagi ah… (iseng kuadrat!) Here we go!

1. how old are you?
23 going on 24 this month

2. are you single?
Sorry, I already taken :D

3. at what age do you think you'll get married?
25, maybe sooner maybe later...

4. do you think you'll marry the person you are with now?
I wish it would be him :)

5. if not, who do you want to marry?
Still, Mizushima Hiro-sama, hahaha!

6. who will be your bridesmaid & bestman?
Bridesmaid: Kartini, my friends in Chelzea and Vern
Bestman: my band mates in Kira and Wit Ringin
And they cosplaying!

7. do you want a garden/beach or traditional wedding?
garden-traditional wedding, I already booked my bestfriend to do the decoration :)

8. where do you plan to go on honeymoon?
Travelling around Indonesia and south east Asia

9. how many guests do you think you'll invite?
Not planned yet, but I think I should start to make the list, make sure there would be no one forgotten

10. will that include your exes?

11. how many layers of cake do you want?
Still, 1 is enough, I don’t really like sweets. I may change it with ‘nasi tumpeng’

12. when do you want to get married, morning or evening?
Not planned yet, that would be my family decision

13. name the song/tune you'd like to play at your wedding?
Gamelan, and jazz...
But I plan to invite my band friends to perform on my wedding, my boyfriend also have a band and I want them play either

14. do you prefer fine dining or just normal spoon & fork? knife?
Not planned yet

15. champagne or red wine?

16. honeymoon right after the wedding or days after the wedding?
Depends, what do you think, sweetheart? *wink at him*

17. money or household items?
Household items, and future saving, heheheh

18. how many kids would you like to have?
2 or 3

19. will you record your honeymoon in DVD/CD?
Wah..... nice idea

20. whose wedding plan would you like to know next?

Oke-oke, sebenernya ini kuis bodoh yang dulu kuisi waktu masih jomblo, dan ngisinya juga asal-asalan. Eh sekarang juga sih. Yang benerannya biar aku share sama si dia aja. Hahaha… And, ehm, my MP friends, I would like to invite you all to my wedding someday (I still don’t know exactly). So wait for my invitation, friends!

Picture credit to Mr. Yuriy and Mrs. Julia Manchik, I envy this couple so much :)
Check out their blog here: mrmrsglobetrot.blogspot.com