Monday, May 9, 2011

Birthday Wishes

Hey hey, there’s still 2 days to my 24th birthday. Ah, again, I’m getting older. When it comes the days before my birthday, I become a bit sentimental. It was May 11, 2008 a day before my 21th birthday, when I knew that my body is no longer as strong as I thought before. Months later, November 2008, I was hospitalized and nearly dead.

Now, as time passes through. 
I almost pass my age 23.
Half of my age 23 went sucks, and half of it went wonderful.
I learnt a lot to live.
How to be tough.
How to face the reality that is not always be kind to me.
And how to reach dreams :)

I now don’t feel that sentimental again. And thanked God for still giving me life and blessing me with this happiness.
As my body get healthier.
As I know there are many people loves me and always support me, however I am.
As I finally finished my final project, graduated and got my bachelor degree.
As I met a good man named Aria and fall in love with him.

And as my age is going on 24, there are so many wishes I pray to God. I wish…

I could live longer and healthier. I know this disease is not easily cured, but I become better to live my life even though I have to live with it.

I could grow a better personality, become wiser and respectable.

To be accepted in graduate school I applied, that one step closer to my dream, to become a professor.

A relationship between me and my man Aria going well, always love, care and support each other, then we could reach our dreams and become great together.

May God always bless my family and loved people with health and happiness, they’re so important for me.


Thank God for every breath I took, was born in this world and still being alive is the greatest gift You give to me. Really, I’m not afraid of being old, but I’m afraid I couldn’t become mature.


Again, welcome my new age 24.
Let’s have a great time! (shakehands)


  1. O tanjō-bi omedetōgozaimasu ^^

  2. HOREEE!!! jangan lupa kuenya juga mas :))

  3. dapet potongan kue paling banyak :))

  4. semoga smua doanya dikabulkan amin :D

  5. Siip, 2 hari lagi ga perlu pusing mikirin makan apa.. XDD

  6. eh iya, pengumuman diterima S2 nya kapan tid?

  7. mauu, kirim dari bandung,asli, nyam nyam

  8. ke plaza foodcourt, banyak pilihan :)) hahahaha

  9. pertengahan bulan ini, wish me luck... (^___^)v

  10. Oh jadi traktirnya kesana ya?? Oke, ngikut aja lah pokoknya..

  11. hahahaa... traktirannya belum niiih, ntar kalo hasil pengumuman dah keluar ya mas

  12. hehehe, makasih doanya :)) moga aku bisa ngasih kabar baiknya habis ini :)

  13. thank u yodhiii! masih besok kok..hehe..

  14. met ultaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! hahaha... traktiraaaannn!! :))

  15. thank u isaaa!
    ayo k jogja, aku traktir makan2 dh! :p

  16. Nih yg udah di Jogja kapan dtraktirnya?? :-P

  17. yg d jgj,hbs diterima s2 yaa,doakan yaa!!

  18. Diskriminasi.. XD Ya udah, semoga keterima deh..

  19. amiin.. hahaha,bukan diskriminasi lah..

  20. kagaakk.. traktiran di Bandung aja! pas kamu dah ketrima disini! :D

  21. amiin.. see ya on Bandung mas Isaaaa! semangat2

  22. semangaaatt!!! :D

    *ntar traktir di warung pasta ya :p
