Friday, January 29, 2010

Am I become a Shoe Fetishist?

I never knew…  I could feel like this...
Like I never see the sky before...
It is so hard to hide this desire.
Every time I look at it, it looks like calling me…

Hyahyahya… I, previously, did not really interest in any fashion stuffs. Clothes, shoes, bags, accessories, etc etc… But as time goes by, I started to love that stuff I ever rejected before. I was very tomboy, as boyish as real boy, I prefer wore those masculine clothes than girlish feminine clothes (and also its fashion stuffs).

I’m not sure, when I started to love that fashion stuffs? Who had influenced me? Mada mada wakaranai…

Since when I start to interested in one of those fashion stuffs, shoes? It must be inherit from my mother. She’s a shoes lover. She have many pairs of shoes that sometimes one or two of them never be worn *sweat*. I also have any kind of shoes, for different events. However, I still easily fall in love to a pair of shoes in the store display. It is must not be the latest model, but if it is simple and unique, I love it. Hmm… This day, I found out that I am becoming a shoe fetishist too.

But I kinda enjoy it (^_^)v

(this is the shoes I used to wear everyday, 'now I still wear this kind of shoes for my daily activities, especially in outdoor fields, pe we sih!)


  1. i love shoeshy (*sushi) better... :D

    i love collecting sweater on my fashion style ^^

  2. hehehe, saya lebih suka nyeker...
    btw, info nonton bareng diblogku sapa tau mau ikut

  3. wah akhirnya....jadi wanita sesungguhnya..

    apa karna jomblo yah??hihihi

  4. i do love either sushi or sashimi ^^v
    wah, aku juga suka sih sweater, tapi sukaan jaket ding
    someday share your fashion style to me ^^

  5. "nyeker" is the peweest choice
    kapan? ntar aku lihat di pagemu dulu

  6. hahaha... sudah sadar kodrat, mbak

  7. hebat!! jomblo malah bisa membuat saya jadi lebih "wanita" hahahaha
    kalo dah punya pacar kan posisi dah settle mas, nggak perlu dandan juga dah ada yang suka

  8. hmmm... beliin sepatu donk XD *digemplang*

  9. hyaaaaahhh!!!! masa dibelikan sepatu? kukasih hi-heels muat kakinya??
