Thursday, December 9, 2010

Kazoku/Family (QCAM Roll #4)

Yup, this is my 4th roll result of my QCAM shots. I'm sorry I'm not publishing my 3rd roll, because it was my experiment using BW film, but the result is all dark, grey, and cannot be seen. Really embarassing :((

Okay, this roll had been used in the latest Lebaran Holiday. So, there are so many pictures of my family and friends. In the first day, I met my big family from my father side in Madiun. Then, in the next day we went to Surabaya to visit my grandfather from my mother side, and directly left for Situbondo to visit my grandmother's grave (my friend said it calls "flowering", ha? Is "nyekar" called flowering in English??)

After the big family meetings, we suddenly have an idea to visit Madura (you can also see more pictures in this album:

When the holiday is over, we went back to Jogja, and some friends held "Halal bi Halal" to gather all old friends together. Also, I visit my bestfriend's home, you know why? It must be many delicous home-made-cooking there! Yay! Hehehehe...

Technically, I think this roll result is better than before, I don't know, maybe the it's about lighting. When there is enough lights the result going good :) lesson learned


  1. maaf2... malah belum pernah upload wujudnya si QCAM...
    itu salah satu kamera poket manual keluaran Fujifilm, masih pake roll film, gitu mbak...
