Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Devil Come Out!!

Seseorang telah memanggilnya!!! Memaksanya keluar dari pelosok diriku. Menjadikan semuanya gelap.

Sebenarnya aku sedang marah sekali... That's true, I'm a bit busy with my own little world. But I never said such a harsh words like you did. Why did it so easy for you to make me feel so down?

You call the devil inside me. The devil that I always control so hardly... I'm sorry, I can't control it any longer. Enjoying myself in this mode a little while... I try to think the best revenge!!!


  1. gpp, masih hijau ni dalam mengatur si setan kecil itu...
    kalau ada yang nggak ngena di hati, langsung deh "dia" muncul sambil ketawa-ketawa.
