Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I Pray for Health...

Dear friends, how are you? Hope you always fine and healthy.

I has just checked calendar in my cell phone, the date March 23 was bolded. It is the date of my blood test planned, 10 weeks after the therapy ended (in January 9th). I’m quite nervous facing the blood test day. Yeah, it’s the last chance to know whether the drug therapy could cure my disease or not. If it is appears failed, I should repeat the therapy, with the same or different method.

I’m kinda nervous. I’m afraid if my body cannot be healed someway. My body seems to be uneasy lately, it’s like it rejected any medications. I do love my body, however it is, but sometimes I feel like I cannot do anything with this weak body. But I still believe there's a strong processor inside this weak casing... Hehehe...

Therefore, I have to keep this body health, at least until March 23. Reduce caffeine, do not force myself to do any physical exercises, eat and sleep well. Fight against the parasites inside!!!

Don’t give up!!!


If you don’t mind, I ask for your kindness to pray for me, to get a good result.
Thank you! (^o^)d


  1. semoga semua baik-baik sahaja, dan sehat selalu

  2. Selalu ada berkah di balik musibah, dan sakit hanyalah ujian dan penebus dosa, karena itu tetap bersemangatlah. We'll pray for your health and prosperity. Just wish for the best! ^^d

  3. Thanks kak Cisya...
    yup, moga2 menjadikan aku selalu lebih baik, terutama lebih perhatian sama badan sendiri... thank you doanya....

  4. amin....
    semoga cepet sembuh dan sehat selalu

  5. semoga atrid cepet sembuh ya,,,dan semuanya akan baik-baik saja
    positive thinking aja,,,tetep happy,,okoko

  6. heyah... disebut juga deh nama asliku
    hahha... yup, I never give up, kalo gagal, ulang terapi lagi dari awal.
    tapi doakan ya, biar segera sembuh
    thank you for cheer me up, don't worry be happy^^

  7. hehe....okokok
    selalu didoakan...semangaaat

  8. huffff... taihen desune... praying for your better health...
    please update the result too if u don't mind...

  9. mb morpho: apalagi sambil liatin ftisland kyny cpt smbuh dh.

    yussan: arigatou... thanks for pray and ur care also. i will update the result asap, whether its good or not.. doki doki...
